Somewhere Only We Know || 16

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We were leaving the restaurant, and Calum said, "So invited a ton of people for this party. It's going to be sick!"

We all cheered in excitement. To be honest, I've missed the parties that Micheal, Calum, Ashton, and I threw. They were the talk. Back in school, our parties were the thing to be at, but you didn't need an invitation. You just showed up and had fun.

"The boys are back, and we are bringing the parties with us!" Ashton yelled happily out the car window, and I cheered at his words.

"I don't think I've been this excited in a while." I said, wrapping an arm around Emma's shoulders.

We pulled up outside the house, and we all piled out of the house. "Okay, so we'll need to set up some food, I'll order a ton of pizza's and I'm pretty sure the people coming will bring the drinks." Ashton said, winking at Bekah, and he disappeared into the kitchen to order the pizza's.

"Okay, so I think we should push the furniture back so that people have more room to walk around and do stuff, know what I mean?" I said, and we all started shoving furniture away from the  middle of the room. The place was supposed to be packed, so we'd need as much room as we could get.

"I don't want anyone doing anything gross in my room, so I'm going to lock it. They can have all the fun they want in Eli's room, but they are staying out of mine." Bekah said, and she ran up the steps.

Ashton appeared from the kitchen, grinning. I ordered ten pizza's. Do you think it'll be enough?" He asked.

Calum laughed loudly. "Yeah, I think you're good, mate."

We all chuckled, and waited excitedly for the party to start.


It was eight and the party was in full swing. The pizza was set up in the kitchen and people trickled in and out, munching away on the pizza and messily eating chips. Sure enough, someone brought alcohol and there were drunk people dancing around, slurring their words.

I was with Emma, and we were dancing together to the Birthday by Katy Perry. We set up the sound system in the living room so that it would blare throughout the whole house. Heck, people down the block could probably hear this noise. I just hoped no one would call the police on us.

"Can I get you a drink?" I yelled to Emma. The music was incredibly loud, Emma and I had a hard time hearing each other, and we were less then two feet away from each other.

Emma shook her head. "No thanks! I don't like drinking!" She yelled back.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Suite yourself! I'm grabbing myself something!" I yelled, and I kissed her cheek, and headed towards the kitchen. I saw that there were a few couples kissing in here because it was the most private area. I rolled my eyes and filled my cup up with some alcohol.

The song changed to Change Your Ticket by One Direction, and I smiled. I sang along with the words, and I saw Micheal flirting with McKenna in the corner of the room. I headed over to them, grinning at them.

"Oh, hey Luke!" McKenna yelled, acknowledging my presence.

"Hey! What's up?" I yelled.

"Not much. McKenna and I were just catching up." Micheal said, and I saw that he had the look in his eyes. I'm not talking about that look guys get when they just want to hook up. I'm talking about the look they get when they think that they actually have a chance with someone.

I winked at him and said. "Go get 'em tiger. Have fun you two!" And I left them. I downed my drink quickly, the alcohol burning my throat. I love the rush I get from these parties. The alcohol and the commotion of the party gave me this energy. It was almost as if I was a different person.

I scanned the crowd in the living room, and I couldn't find Emma. I pushed a few people out of the room, searching the room, but I couldn't find her. Feeling upset, I pulled out my phone and texted her.

To: Emma
Where are you?

From: Emma
Sorry. The party was loud and it gave me a headache. I'm almost at my house. I'll see you tomorrow. xx

I felt a bit upset. How could she do that to me? I can't believe she ditched me like that! I groaned and went back to the kitchen to get another drink. After chugging it down, everything was slightly blurry and things were spinning a bit.

I saw Bekah enter the kitchen, and I grinned at her, waving. "Hey, Bekah!" I called.

She walked over to me, sipping from her drink. "Hey, Luke. How are you?" She asked casually.

"I'm good." I noticed that Ashton wasn't around her. "Where's Ash?" I slurred. The alcohol was really taking its affect on me now.

"I don't know, he disappeared with Calum a while ago." She looked around and said, "Where's Emma?" I could hear the bitterness in her tone.

"She ditched me," I grumbled angrily.

Bekah seemed surprised by my answer. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter." I was getting kind of tired of having to yell over the music. I figured it would be quieter upstairs. "Let's head upstairs so we can actually talk." I suggested, and Bekah nodded her head. We went upstairs and went inside her room. She locked the door after us.

"The parties great." Bekah said and I nodded my head. My head was really spinning now. Bekah laughed at me and asked, "How much did you drink tonight?"

"I dunno," I shrugged, and I layed back on her bed, letting out a sigh. "This party isn't even that fun!" I groaned. I don't even know why I said it, but I just did.

Bekah gave me a confused look. "Why not?" She asked.

"Because I'm not here with the person I wanted to be! Well, I'm here with them now, but I didn't come here with them. Well, I guess I did come with them but we're not together and that makes me angry because I want to be with that person, ya know?" I couldn't stop myself. These words were just flowing out of my mouth. It was almost as if I had no filter.

"Luke...what are you talking about?" Bekah asked, setting her cup down.

My anger flared and I jumped off the bed, taking a step closer to Bekah. "I'm talking about you!" I snapped. "Don't you get it? Is it really that hard to see? I love you Bekah! I didn't want to date Emma, I wanted to date you! But you had to go run off with Ashton."

Bekah was quite for a few minutes and she finally said, "I love you too, Luke." Her voice was so soft, I almost didn't hear her. My ears were almost muffled from the alcohol.

I don't know what was controlling me, but the next thing I knew, and closed the distance between Bekah and I, and pressed my mouth against hers. Our lips molded together, and I couldn't stop there. I pushed my tounge inside her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, her fingers sliding into my hair.

I couldn't stop myself. I just couldn't help myself. I slipped my fingers under Bekah's shirt and pulled it off, and I pushed her down onto the bed, leaving kisses all over her, and everything else blurred.

Somewhere Only We Know ||  l.hWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu