Somewhere Only We Know || 12

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I shook my he in disbelief. "Bekah," I said running my hand through my hair. "I gotta get out of here."

I spun around and exited the room, to come face to face with Eli. He had his arms crossed, and a smug look on his face. "I heard all of that." He stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Well if you know what's good for you, you'd keep your mouth shut." I threatened. "There's enough drama already, so don't add to it."

Eli just shook his head, laughing. "Who's going to make me keep this to myself?" He pushed.

"Eli, stay out of this. You're a stupid thirteen year old boy who doesn't know anything, and acts only on his hormones. If you know what's good for you, you would shut up before I beat you up." I raised a fist to show him I was serious.

"I act on my hormones, huh?" Eli said. He shoved me. "Shut up, you don't know anything. And I do not!"

He stormed down the steps, and I plopped down on the top step. I put my head in my hands and let out a roan. Thoughts swormed my head, and I just needed to get out of this house, and go don to the park and smoke a cigarette.

Bekah just admitted what I wanted to hear from her. She loves me. And I love her, too. This is the moment that I tell her this, and she leaves Ashton to be with me. I'll leave Emma and...I can't leave Emma. I'd be a jerk, and my reputation would turn into a player, and that's not what I was. I should have never asked Emma out. I love Bekah, and she loves me too! But if she leaves Ashton, so much drama would happen within the band, and out of the band and I don't want to deal with it all.

"I'm going to kill him!" I heard Ashton yell from downstairs.

Oh boy, I thought, rolling my eyes and standing up. "What did I do now?" I called to Ashton.

Ashton raced up the stairs and pushed me against the wall. "I knew it Luke!" He yelled in my face.

"What are you even talking about?" I yelled back.

"I know what you said to Bekah! Eli told me." Ashton growled.

"And what is it I told Bekah?" I tried to rack my brain as to what I said to Bekah that would get Ashton all worked up.

"You told my girlfriend that you love her."

Elijah Thomas Berstler is going to die. He told Ashton the wrong thing! He knew Ashton would try to murder if he found out that I said that, but it was all Bekah!

"Ashton you..." I trailed off. Beakh was still my best friend, and I didn't want Ashton to yell at her about this. I didn't want anymore drama.

"Ashton, it was me or said I love you." Bekah said. I looked at her. She was standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her face.

"Bekah," Ashton's voice was so broken and hurt.

"Bekah, don't stand up for me. I can take this myself." I looked Ashton in the eye. "I did tell Bekah that I love her."

Eli's face widened. I knew he was surprised by my action. And so was Bekah, and Ashton. Ashton's face became angry again.

"I knew it," He growled. "You just don't know when to back off, do you?" Ashton shoved me.

Because we were at the top of the steps, I'll admit; I was scared. I personally did not feel like being shoved down the steps today. I put my hands up, an attempt to show Ashton I wasn't looking for a fight, and that he needed to count to ten and calm down before he kills me.

"I understand, I'll back off, I promise. I'll go live my happily ever after with Emma. Bekah is all yours." I said calmly.

"No, Luke." Ashton yelled. "I think it's time you learned a little lesson. Guess what, Hemmings. I got the girl, and you're just angry about that." Ashton shoved me, and I lots my balance, grabbing onto the banister to stop me from toppling down the stairs.

"Ashton calm down! You're going to push me off the steps!" I yelled, not bothering to hide how panicked I was. "Just back up and calm down!"

Ashton grabbed my arms and we wrestled for a little, and the next thing I knew, I was sent down the steps. My body seemed to hit each step on the way down. There was a steady, thud, thud, thud, as I toppled down. My head jerked up and down, and it felt as if I was getting brain damage. I finally came to a stop at the bottom of the steps.

"Jeeze, mate!" Was all I could manage out. And it was very audible. It was just above a whisper. Ashton wasn't at the top of the steps, and neither was Bekah. Only Calum and Micheal were there, at the bottom of the steps, their faces worried.

"Is everything okay?" Micheal asked.

"What happened?" Calum questioned.

I just shook my head, tears in my eyes. "I need Emma...or a smoke..." I was mumbling to myself, as I pushed my way past my two friends and out of the house. I pulled out my phone and dialed Emma's number.

"Hey, Luke!" I could hear the smile in Emma's voice. I smiled slightly at the sound of hers.

"Hey, Emma. What are you doing?" I asked. I was jogging now. Where? I don't know.

"Nothing. I just got ready for bed." She replied.

"Cool," I said. "Where do you live?"

"What?" Emma sounded shocked.

"I'm coming to your house. I'll see you in like, ten minutes." I said, picking up speed.

"Wait, Luke!" Emma cried. "Are you crazy? Why?"

"Why not?" I replied back, a smirk playing onto my face.

"What would you even do here?" She questioned.

"I don't know. We could watch a movie. I just need to see you." I explained. Okay, it was a bad explanation, but I just needed to get away from the stress of the things back at the band.

"Is The Lego movie okay?" Emma asked, and I could hear the smirk on her face.

"It's perfect. See you in ten." I flirted.

"Ten minutes it is." She flirted back.

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