Somewhere Only We Know || 8

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We all were piled in the car, and Calum was driving us to a restaurant. It was a really chill place that we all used to hang out when we were younger.

Pulling up outside, we all got out of the car and walked into the place. We all sat at one of the booths in the back. Calum, Micheal, and I were on one side, and Ashton and Bekah were on the other. It was weird, seeing them sitting there together on the same side of the booth. It usually was Bekah and I over there, but now it was them. I could feel a rip in my heart at the sight of them.

"Welcome to Friendly's, what can I get you guys?" A waitress, looking around sixteen, asked, coming up to our table.

Micheal raised his eyebrows at the girl. "Can we just get the usual?" He asked with  bit of sass.

"The usual?" The girl asked, quirking an eyebrow at Micheal.

"Yeah," Micheal said, nodding his head. "Go to the kitchen and tell them that 5sos wants their usual. They'll know what to give us."

The girl rolled her eyes and walked away, muttering, "Famous brats."

I watched as the girl walked away. She was pretty cute. She had blonde hair that went halfway down her back, and cute light blue eyes. I stared at her as she walked into the kitchen, and was snapped out of my daze by someone snapping in front  of my face.

"What?" I asked, looking back at the group.

"Were you checking that waitress out?" Calum smirked at me.

I could feel my face heat up. "No way!" I protested. "I was just thinking about what she said. Did any of you guys hear it?"

"No Luke, you're the only one." Bekah said in a sharp tone. I looked at Bekah's face. It seemed a little agitated. Like she was...jealous. Jealous? No way, she has her dream boy. She's with Ashton. Why would she be jealous?

"Why are you all up on my case? It's not like I just sprang out of my seat and confessed my love for her. I don't even love her. I don't even know her!" I protested, feeling like I was being attacked by my friends, which was such a weird feeling.

Micheal was cracking up. "Luke, your face is red. At least admit that you think she's hot. I mean, you'd have to be blind to think that she's not hot. Right guys?"

"Amen to that. She is fine." Calum added, looking back quickly, in hopes to catch a glimpse of her.

Ashton shrugged. "She looks like Bekah, sorta." Ahston said, staring at her as she came walking back.

I took a glimpse of the girl again. She does look like Bekah in way. Whatever, she's still cute.

The waitress started putting our drinks down. "Here are your drinks," She mumbled, placing them down.

"Thanks, err..." I said, trailing off cause I realized I didn't know her name.

"Emma," The girl replied. I smiled. Emma. Pretty name. "You're food will be ready in a few minutes." Emma told our table, and walked away.

Micheal made a gagging noise. "She does look like Bekah. She isn't hot anymore." Bekah kicked Micheal's shin under the table, and I shook my head.

"I don't see how she looks like Bekah." I replied, shrugging.

"That's cause you're too busy flirting with her." Calum teased, and I punched his arm.

"I'm not flirting!" I protested, taking my drink and taking a sip from it.

Everyone at the table rolled their eyes and said, "Yes you are!"

Rolling my eyes, I sat back in the booth, and saw Micheal look behind him, and whisper in Calum's ear. I was about to ask them what, when I was suddenly pushed out of the booth and tumbled into something. But not something. Someone.

"What the-" I heard a voice yell, and I knew who it was. It was Emma.

I groaned, realizing that those idiots made me table-top the poor girl. I stood up, and realized that Emma had dropped all of the drinks in her hand because of me! Gasping, I started picking up the drinks, talking a mile a minute.

"I am so sorry. Those stupid idiots I sit with thought that it would be funny to do this to me and with wasn't at all and I'm so sorry and I hope you aren't hurt and I'll try and help you pick up these drinks and did I say I was sorry?"

Emma laughed softly, picking up the drinks with me. "It's okay, and  yes you did say you were sorry."

I sighed. "Good, cause I am sorry." Picking up the last drink, I got napkins off of our table, and noticed that no one at the table even seemed to care. They were all just messing around. Those jerks!

I started wiping the spilled drinks off the floor, and soon Emma was too. "You don't have to help," She mumbled.

"Yeah I do. I was the one who knocked you down and made you spill everything." I said, grabbing more napkins to wipe up the mess.

"It's okay, trust me." Emma said.

I shook my head. "I refuse to not help you."

Emma laughed, shaking her head. "Well, thanks for helping me."

"You're welcome." I responded, smiling at her. "So, I'm Luke. Sorry we're meeting on these terms, but hello."

"Hi Luke." Emma said as we finished cleaning up the mess. "Thanks for helping me." Emma started putting the dirty napkins on the plate the drinks that were on so she can throw them out.

"Now wait a moment," I said, holding onto her arm. "We can't leave it at this. At least let me get your number so that we can talk further."

Emma smiled, pulling out her pen and scribbled her number down on a pen. She handed it to me and said, "It was nice meeting you, Luke."

I smiled at her. "You too, Emma. I look forward to talking to you. And I promise, I won't bring these idiots with me." I joked.

Emma laughed. "They aren't all idiots." She said.

I looked back at the group. Bekah was using her straw as a spit ball, and was shooting them at Calum, who was using his knife as a sword and blocking the spit balls, and Micheal and Ashton were seeing who could balance a spoon off their nose longer.

I raised my eyebrows at Emma. "Really? Which person at that table isn't dumb?" I asked, a small chuckle escaping my lips.

Emma blushed a little as she said, "Well, you're not an idiot." Her eyes locked with mine and I smiled. There was a gleam in her eye that I saw in someone elses eye that made me smile. I couldn't put my finger on it, but she reminded me of someone I loved, and it made me happy to be with her.

Somewhere Only We Know ||  l.hDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora