Somewhere Only We Know || 13

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I showed up outside Emma's house and rang her doorbell. I probably looked like a mess. Scratch that; I was a mess. I was probably all sweaty and I was panting so heavily from running to her house. At least being in the band kept me in shape.

Ugh, the band. Everything going on in the band at the moment made me just want to run away and never look back. Kinda like what I'm doing know, except I know I'm going back.

"Hey Luke," Emma greeted, opening the door. Her eyes widened when she saw the state I was in. " look..."

"Horrible." I finished for her.

"I wasn't going to be that rude but, sorta. What's wrong?" She stepped back. "Come inside." I stepped in, trying to regain my breathing. Emma led me to her living room and we sat down on the couch. "You want to tell me what happened?" Emma asked. I could tell by her face that she was genuinely concerned.

I sighed,  shaking my head. "There's been a lot of stupid drama inside the band I just needed to get away from it."

Emma smiled. "I'm glad you came to me."

Emma grabbed my hand I smiled back at her. "Yeah, I am too."

We stayed like for a few moments, and then Emma stood up. "The DVD is already in there, so I'll go grab some popcorn. You can go into my room and grab some pillows and blankets for us." Emma offered, standing up and heading towards the kitchen. "It's the first room on the right." Emma called for me.

I got off the couch and headed up the stairs and went into the first room on the right, and there was her room. I studied it. It was a very simple room.  She had white wall, and the rest were maroon. She had white carpet with a maroon and black rug in the middle. Her bed was black and white, with matching pillows. She had a white desk pushed up against the far wall, and a white bookcase next to it. A black floor length mirror was on one of the walls. I went over to her bed and grabbed a big black blanket and a white pillow and headed downstairs.

"I'm back," I called, setting the pillow down on the couch, along with the blanket.

"Still out here." Emma called from the kitchen. I decided to join her, and walked into the kitchen. The kitchen was small in cozy. I gazed around it for a little.

"So who all lives here?" I asked. A big-ish house for who?

"It's just me," Emma replied with a shrug.

I gaped at her. "You live here by yourself?" I repeated.

Emma laughed and nodded her head. "That is what I just said."

I chuckled and shook her head. "I guess I have to drop by more often and give you some company, ey?"

Emma smiled. "I would like that a lot."

I grinned, bringing my face close to hers. "Good,"

Emma closed her eyes, awaiting a kiss on the lips. So soon? I licked my own and started leaning in, when the microwave started beeping.

"Looks like the popcorn's ready!" Emma said, pulling away.

I backed off a little and nodded, watching Emma pour it into a large bowl. She smiled at me. "Shall we go watch the movie?"

"We shall," I said, a smirk on my lips. I followed her out.

Her face dropped when she saw how many blankets I brought down. "Oh," She said. "You only brought one down."

I slipped my arm around her waist. "I don't mind sharing." I said cheekily.

Emma smiled, and something lit up her eyes. "So that's how you want to be Hemmings? Okay, I can be like that." She smirked and set the popcorn down and sat on one end of the couch. I sat on the other, and Emma slid over to me, snuggling close. I draped the blanket over us and grabbed her waist and pulled her into my chest as I layed back.

"Is this okay?" I asked.

"This is perfect," Emma replied.

We pressed play on the movie screen, and started watching the beginning.

Emma reached over and grabbed the popcorn and began nibbling on it. She looked back and me and said, "Want a piece?"

"Sure," I agreed. Emma grabbed a piece  popcorn and held it up, as if awaiting for me to bite it out of her hands. That's a little weird, but I wanted popcorn, so I took the piece of her hand.

Emma turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Luke, I'm so glad that you're here with me tonight. I'm going to be honest," Emma bit her lip, looking sheepish. "When I first met you, I could've sworn you were in love with that girl at the table. And then you asked me out...I felt like I was on top of the world."

Hearing Emma say that was all I needed to hear. "Emma, I'm in love with you." I admitted.

Emma's face lit up, and she pressed her lips against mine. In the excitement of the moment, I kissed her back. Our mouths moved together, and I felt Emma nibble my lip. I slipped my tounge into her mouth and I heard her sigh slightly. We rolled over so I was straddling her, our lips never leaving each others. My hands slid under her shirt, and I pulled her closer to me. Emma pushed my shirt over my head and I pulled back.

"Emma," I panted, out of breath from our make-out.

"What?" She asked, looking slightly annoyed that I had stopped the kiss.

"Emma, baby. This is our first kiss. Let's not rush anything. Slow down," I said, and I leaned down and pecked her lips. I put my shirt back on and shifted on the couch so that we were in our original position. "Baby, I still love you, but I didn't come here for that. I came here just to be with you." I kissed the back of her neck and mumbled into her hair. "Let's just watch the movie."

"You're right," Emma agreed. I could tell she was embarrassed, but I could tell she understood.

Emma and I watched the movie, laughing here and there, and nibbling on the popcorn. At one point during the night, we both dozed off, happy to be in the comfort of each other.

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