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Soobin agreed to spend another night at Kai's house. It was just a matter of time before they got real close. And as time goes by, Soobin decided to tell Kai about Choi Yeonjun.

"Kai, if i tell you something really childish, would you still listen to it?" 

Kai look at Soobin, full of curiosity but he take a guess that the older is going to talk about himself.

"Yea sure duh, childish stories are cute" 

"But this one's not..." Soobin look down, not looking at the younger sitting in front of him. 

Kai smiled a bit, patting Soobin's head.

"Hey, I'm here for you, okay? Tell me anything." 

As cliche as it may sound, Kai meant it from the bottom of his heart. He hate himself to see his Soobin being all gloomy. He wanted to be the special person in Soobin's life, being meaningful and always there for him. 

Kai holds Soobin's hand tightly, rubbing the older's palm using his thumb, trying to calm Soobin down. 

Soobin felt a lot calmer at the warmth given by Kai. He started his story on how he always immersed in space called Choi Talk Room with his majestic creation, Choi Yeonjun.

"I-i ... only wanted to be free..." Soobin sobbed, reaching the end of his story. Glistering tears start rolling down his cheeks.

Kai wiped the tears off the older's porcelain face. 

"Soobin-ah, did you know?" Kai hold Soobin's chin, make the older face him eye to eye. 

"Know what?" sniffled Soobin, holding back his tears.

"A few years ago, there's certain someone who stole my first kiss, or rather, I stole his first kiss." Kai chuckled a bit after finishing his sentence. 

Soobin squinted his eyes and tilt his head a bit, he seems to be in much confusion. I mean, why would Kai suddenly tell about his first love story or so whatever. 

Kai lay down, and Soobin lay next to him, waiting for him to continue his story.

"It was at that moment, I knew I fell in love with him," Kai carry on, 

"He....?" asked Soobin, perplexed with Kai's story.

"Yes, it's a he



Roughly 8years ago...

It was a hell long trip of journey and finally I can go back to my house, or so I thought. I had to go back to my uncle's place. Every time I'm there, the big house next to the house never cease to amaze me. 

My basic daily routine continue, and eventually I got bored. So I decided to take a walk outside, that's when I sneak peek the house next to us. 

I saw a little kid, running outside just to pat a cat. He was just around my age, I guess, just he's a bit taller. I can't stop staring at him, especially when he smiles. His dimple express his happy face more than anything. 

Made up my mind to be friend, I directly went to the boy, crouch down in front of him. Oh, now that I'm taking a closer look, he's pretty. Even more than that, beautiful. Or maybe charming. Whatever he is, captivating, alluring, attractive. He is all of those. 

He has pair of dark brown eyes, dark brown hair and as I look closer, his lips are plump and glossy. Even his fit figure gives off an alluring vibes, which makes me wanna hug him, hold him close. His chubby cheeks show his adorable side even though he's just breathing. And the skin showing from his thighs and legs are really cute- DAMN I'M JUST 9 NOW, STOP BEING A LIL PERVERT!

I restraint myself from seeing too much, and continue to look properly at him,

oh what could i say, he's the most captivating creature I've ever seen. 

"I'm Kai, what's your name?" I said, reaching out my hand for a handshake. 

At first, he seems scared. I can see him shivering a bit, but then he replied my handshake, 

oh how soft his hands is, I can feel a gush of emotions in myself, and butterflies in my stomach are singing melody. 

"S-Soobin..." he said, slowly.

His voice are lullaby to my ears. Not only his appearance are adorable, but his voice are also cute. This is ethereal beautiful. I said what I said. 

Just before I could know him more, I heard shouting from the house. 

He quickly take away his hands, releasing our handshake. Aww, I wanted to feel more of him. 

"I- I had to go, bye-" he said, all ready for getting up and went inside. 

Before he left, I pull his hands gently and left a peck on his soft lips. Yes, it is soft, ain't lying. 

He stood there, with red face and ears, covering his mouth and immediately ran inside his house. 

I walked back to my uncle's house, remembering all of the things happened today. It might be the best ever happen. 

But after that incident, I never see him again even though I keep coming to my uncle's house. How I longed to see him.


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