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Silently sitting there, the brunette continue his gaze upon the window. Knowing him, he must be daydreaming again. It has been a routine for him, to daydream no matter when or where. Its not like he wanted it to be and it wasn't his intention to daydream a lot. There's a lot of times where he wanted to get rid of this habit of his. But life is unfair, he couldn't cause he is weak. Eventually, his daydream was brought to life and it only appear in front of him, which is visible to him only. And every time this happen, he will be brought to a new space where he will be forgotten about his surrounding- Choi Talk Room

Soobin enjoy talking to his imagination, Yeonjun. As Yeonjun is his own creation, he named it based on his own surname. 

Choi Yeonjun, his own creation that is brought from his frequent daydream. However, there's no showing that Soobin hate it. Instead, he is happier that at least someone can understand and communicate with him in this daydream of his. 

"So you're meeting me again, in this early of day?" asked the mythical creature. 

"Of course. You're the only one who I can communicate to during time like this, hyung." said Soobin. His angelic voice brighten up the communication between them. 

"What kind of fantasy you're having today?" the mythical creature come nearer Soobin, cupping his mochi-texture cheek. 

"I don't want any fantasy. I just want to talk to you." Soobin smile, his rosy cheek went up, showing his chubby cheeks even more. 

Yeonjun flinch a bit in seeing that side of the brunette. As a creation of Soobin, Yeonjun never hated himself for being mythical and non-existent. Soobin is all he wanted and that's enough for him. Yeonjun entertained Soobin with his dad jokes and they chatted for a long time. It was about time for Soobin's to close his eyes and went to bed. 

It is kinda weird how Soobin often dream at night but he also daydreams a lot. Its like he never get enough of his dream at night. People tend to say that daydream are just a waste of time, instead they should go and make the dream come true. But Soobin was a bit different, his superior imagination make his daydream become true to himself. For all the time he had daydream,

that one time 8years ago was the best he ever had


8 years ago 

Soobin was just a normal 9-year-old young boy who is soon turning 10 in a few days. Just like the other kids, he had his ups and downs. However, the only difference about this kid is he has severe social anxiety. Other kids might have it too, but mostly they are just shy, not anxiety. This Choi Soobin lacks of socializing with others around his age or even with his relatives. He is often alone no matter what he does. 

That is when, on his birthday. He even spend the time alone. All he has was himself, the silence situation and he could hear the cat meow-ing from the road, facing his house door. Seeing that cute cat, he goes over and pat it. 

"How I wish to be free like you, cat." whispered the kid slowly. 

⊰∙∘☽ DAYDREAM ☾∘∙⊱ // SOOKAITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon