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After spending quite a time with Taehyun, they found out deeper about each other. Apparently, they are quite the opposite. Taehyun is quite the outgoing friend, which probably is the energizer of the group. His kinda foul-mouthed are also part of himself.

While humming to his favorite song on the way his back home, Soobin felt a tap on his shoulder. The hand felt quite soft, as if it's a girl's hand. Turning his back, Soobin saw a familiar face. It was the cutie.

"Kai?" asked the brunette.

Kai smiled, beautifully showing his row of white teeth.

"What are you doing, binnie ya~?" he tilted his head, looking into the taller's eyes.

Soobin was taken aback at the nickname given. It was simple, yet so cute. It just felt so different when Kai called him that. It's like his heart has been attacked quite a few times by the cupid but since he's stupid, he never knew what is that feeling.

Butterflies churn around in his stomach, making him feel things. He could sense a tingly feeling and cause his face to become blazing red.

"I- I was killing the time with a colleague just now," answered the brunette, avoid the younger's gaze.

Kai slightly nod his head to the statement made by the taller.

"Say, do you want to spend time together?" asked Soobin, all of a sudden.

It never went through his head to invite Kai for a date. Even Soobin himself can't believe what did he just said. Realizing his abrupt action, he quickly denied the statement,

"I-I MEAN NO, I'm not forcing you and u-um"

He stuttered in his sentence, made Kai chuckled a bit. That cutie fairy is laughing again. His laugh is the best Soobin ever heard. It made Soobin's heart thump a bit faster, his blood rushing faster than before and of course the butterflies are churning in his stomach.

Weird, he had just had a tea time with Taehyun, surely he is not hungry again. Then what is this feeling he had. He never once question his sexuality before this, as he wasn't paying that much attention to the world. But ever since he met Kai, there was something tingly feelings every time they met.

Maybe that's the reason why Soobin could never see directly into Kai's eyes, he knew he would be sink deep into that puppy eyes of Kai.

"I mean, why not?" Kai answered, running toward the taller, linking their arm together.

Soobin face went brick red, his heart start beating faster and obviously his mind is blank. He couldn't think straight the moment Kai start being dainty with him.

Ever since Kai said that he's falling for Soobin, Soobin couldn't see Kai as a normal friend anymore.

Kai intertwined their hands together. People will be thinking they're dating or something if they saw this adorable soon-to-be couple. Maybe.

Kai control his excitement from below. HIS HEART.

He tried to act all fine when actually he can feel his face so hot. If he saw his own face right now, he might be thinking he's having a fever.


"Yeonjun hyung..." mumbled the taller.

"Soobin-ah, where are you going?"

His creation pop up suddenly, bombarding him with questions before he even get dress up for the occasion with Taehyun.

Soobin look a bit down seeing Yeonjun being in a bad mood.

"Are you starting to leave me?" asked the non-existent.

Soobin avert his gaze from Yeonjun, he sighed before answering,

"Hyung.. Please let me have fun. Don't-"

Yeonjun cut his sentence before he could even finish it,

"Fun? Are you saying that you're not having fun with me anymore?" said Yeonjun.

The blue-haired pull Soobin closer, holding his hand tightly.

Soobin can feel the shivering from Yeonjun's hand. Why is he shaking, why is he sweating. There's a lot in Soobin's mind now but he can't seem to find the answer. This creation of him is really mysterious.

"I'm not saying that, it's just I'm getting old so why not let me know the outside world for a while?" said Soobin, his angelic voice really is the only way to calm the overprotective Yeonjun.

The taller still hasn't look into Yeonjun. He don't even avert his gaze or took a glance at the older. He knew he would be guilty and turn down Taehyun's invitation if he did look at the blue-haired.

Finally letting go of Soobin, Yeonjun disappeared slowly from his sight. Soobin let out a big sigh as the non-existent is gone.

He crouched down, hugging both of his legs together.

"Please... take me away..." he whispered, in his heart.





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