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'Yes Zoey?' The two sisters were shouting at each other from their rooms.

'Can you go check when the brownies are ready?'

'Ok!' Little feet were heard throughout the house as it was a silent afternoon. Zoey looked up from her textbook waiting for her little sister to pop her head in the door. '10 minutes Zo-Zo.'

'Thanks Nina!'

'What are you reading?'

'It's my science textbook, I have to learn all of this for my end of year exam.'

'Wow, is it as hard as NAPLAN?'

'It's a little easier. Say, how about you go get your bathers on and we'll eat our brownies in the pool?'

'Yeah!' Nina ran across the hall to her room but couldn't find her bathers. 'MUM!'

Instead of Y/n, Lannan came to the rescue.

'What is it?'

'I can't find my bathers.'

'There's in this drawer little one.' Lannan pulled out a dark green cloth and handed it to her.

'You and Mum have the weirdest names for Zoey and I.'

'Well, let me tell you a story. When Zoey was born, she was a little earlier than expected and she had to stay an extra week in the hospital. Mummy and I always thought of her as a fighter, so we looked up names that meant fighter and Zoey was on the list!'

'So is that why Mummy calls Zoey her little fighter?'

'Exactly, now when you were born those 9 years ago... the doctors said you were very small compared to your big sister.'

'So my name means small?'

"It's more of little girl, but me and Mum always liked the name Nina."

"Wow. I don't mind being called small now, because it gave me my name!'  The oven dinged and everybody heard Zoey run out to pull the brownies out of the oven. 'I don't understand why Zoey loves brownies so much...'

'Mummy always used to make them for her after school, and while she was pregnant with both of you!'

'But then why don't I like brownies like Zoey does?'

'You're more like me, you like steak and things.'

'On that topic, what's for dinner?'

Y/n smiled, hearing the conversations that happen in her Home. She knew eventually it was all going to end, but until then she was going to soak it all up.

After all she's been through, no scratch that. After all they've been though, this is all Y/n dreamed of; having her own family. There were times in her life where she didn't even know if she'd make it to 21. But she found her way to her best friends, her brother and her soulmate.

Some days were hard for everybody, and others just flew by. But Y/n doesn't regret anything. Because she was finally free.

She wasn't trapped anymore.

And that's it folks!

I'm actually crying that this is over. It's  been such a journey and I could not be more grateful for all the support you guys have given me in the past 18 months.

Please, everybody stay safe in these times and fight for what is right.

I actually love you all endlessly and cannot wait for the future of this book and to see who may stumble upon it. So in my final words; thank you.

Be a Bean
Only a Bean
But also a Creme Egg
Lys xx

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