A Fight

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Your POV

(You've just finished telling Kath you're with Lannan, now you're lying in your bed scrolling through Instagram.)

Knock Knock

"Come in!" I said loudly, Elliot walked in. "Hey Elliot!" I stood up.

"Hey y/n, I need to tell you something."

"Sure Elliot," Then in a flash his lips were on mine, I pushed him off almost immediately. "Elliot, I can't do that."

"I'm sorry y/n but you need to know, Lannan isn't the only one who loves you. I do too! I don't want you to be with him! Be with me y/n! Please!?"

"I'm sorry Elliot. But I love Lannan, I really am sorry, maybe if things don't work out in the future we can give it a try?"

"I'm looking forward to when that happens then." Then he sulked out of the room. I knew Lannan only just left for home... I need to tell him this. Not over the phone. I walked to my door, he was just about to walk up the stairs.

"Hey Uhm Elliot," he turned around,


"I'm gonna go out, if I'm not home in the morning don't worry. I'm just going to see my sister, she's got something going on and I may stay the night."

"Yeah of course y/n. Have fun."

"Thanks Elliot." I closed my door and rang Lannan,

"Hey babe, what's up?" I could hear the sound of the car in the background.

"Hey, can you come pick me up? I need to tell you something. Just not at the house."

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Also, pretend you're an Uber, please it'll make sense when I tell you."

"Uhm, ok? Cya baby,"

"Bye Lan," I hung up the phone and frantically stuffed a mini bag with some clothes, my phone charger and my laptop. I started to walk outside then Elliot joined me.

"I'll see you off," I walked into the cold Sydney breeze, and texted Lan,

Me- Hey uh, Elliot doesn't know your car right?
Lannan👌🏻- no I don't think so, I'm almost here.
Me- Alright see you soon.

His black car arrived at the house and I said bye to Elliot,

"Remember what I said y/n. I'm better than him."

"Alright." I jumped into the car making sure to not leak Lannan's face.

"Where too?" He asked driving down then street.

"I was hoping to stay at your apartment tonight?"

"Uhm, wouldn't Elliot be suspicious?"

"I told him I was going to my sisters."

"Sneaky, now what'd you need to tell me?"

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