The Little Bean

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"You scared?" Brodey asked her, the two of them sat in the waiting room of the doctors.

"I don't know. It just seems surreal to me right now."

"You'll be fine and so will the little yeeter."

"You already have a nickname. Wow."

"It fits." The two of them laughed slightly at his idiocy.

"Y/n Eacott?" The nurse called from the ultrasound room. The pair stood up and went inside. Y/n sat on the table as the nurse started going through what would happen.

"Father?" She asked looking at Brodey.

"Oh god no, we're siblings." He laughed and punched his sister.

"Oh I see, sorry."

"Oh no you're fine." Y/n smiled.

"So, how many weeks along do you think you are?"

"Around 5."

"How didn't you realise sooner?" Brodey asked in astonishment.

"My period is always late, it was normal for me."

"Ok, so just lie down for me and pull up your shirt slightly." Y/n did this and looked at the TV screen above her. "It's just going to be a little cold."

The cold gel was scraped around the abdomen as the nurse searched for the fetus. Brodey took Y/n's hand as the nurse searched.

"Ah, here is the little guy." The screen showed a small black spot in between the grey. "Judging by the size, I would assume 5 weeks. But the Doctor will come in soon and provide more detail. Would you like pictures?"

"Yes please." Y/n smiled, a single tear dropped down her cheek. She looked over to her brother crying silent tears. "Awww Brods!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm just so happy for you."

"Don't keep crying or I'm going to."

"You two are cute, well I'm done here. Here's some tissues to wipe the gel off, the Doctor should be in here soon enough along with your pictures."

"Thank you."

"Oh, no problems." As Y/n was wiping down her stomach her phone rang.

"Oi, it's Lannan." Brodey called,

"Argh, speaker phone me."

'Hey my love.'

"Hi Lan, what's up?"

'Just checking in with you two, how's Brodey going?'

"We're just waiting in the room for the needle to come, should be any moment now."

'Oh all good then, just checking in. Hope it goes well.'

"Aha, thanks Lan."

'I'll see you soon my love.'

"Yeah, love you!"

'Love you too!'

The line went dead as the call ended. Brodey looked shocked.

"My love?!"

"Oh shush, it's cute." And right on cue the Doctor knocked on the door and came in.

"Hello Mrs Eacott."


"So here are the pictures, first of all."

"Oh thank you." Y/n took the envelope from the Doctor and held the envelope in her hands.

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