Chapter XVI

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in which Remus succeeds

I shove him out the door.

'Quick, downstairs!' He's about to run down the stairs but I pull him back. 'Take off your shoes, don't make a sound!'

'Wouldn't it be better—Now that you're awake, wouldn't it be better if I introduced myself?' he whispers, tugging off his boots. 'Last time I was scared she'd think I was a stalker that watches you sleep or something...'

'No way.' I usher him down the stairs, rumbling after. 'No way in hell.'


'She hates you, okay?' I can hear the garage door close. If I let him out... No, there's not enough time. I shove Emil inside the closet we keep for winter coats and shoes and suitcases. 'Stay here and don't make a sound!'

'But Zula—'

Mum asks, 'What are you doing here, Remus? Are you looking for something?' I shut the door in Emil's face. She's shrugging off her coat when I turn.

'Just looking for my boots. I need it for Peter Pan. You know, the hospital performance.'

'I see.' She's massaging her forehead. 'You're home early.'

'What about you? You're never this early either.'

She hisses, a small hiss of pain. 'My head's killing me.' She turns into the living room, I can hear her voice drift away. 'My classes have ended, so I thought, why not come home...'

Emil peeks out from the closet and I mouth at him with sudden panic, 'She's dying!'

He whispers back, 'Call her GP!'

I motion for him to come out, while I slowly and quietly open the front door, so Emil can sprint out, boots in hand. I slam the door shut and lean against it. Mum appears in the doorway again.

'Please don't be so loud, baby. I just need some peace and quiet, is it okay if I have a nap on the sofa? I haven't been sleeping well lately.'

No. Worry twists my gut into knots, but I just nod with a smile. 'Sorry, I'll be quiet. I have to go to practice anyway.'

She kisses my cheek and disappears into the living room again. I follow her.

'When was the last time you've seen a doctor?' I ask. 'You know, for a check-up.' I pretend to get my stuff together, getting my gym bag from the corner where I always throw it down.

'I don't know, two years?' She's laid down on the sofa, covering her eyes. 'Could you draw the curtains, please?'

'Sure, ma.' The room dims, almost tilting into darkness. Mum sighs.

'Much better.'

I crouch down next to her. 'Can you go to the doctor's, please?'

She lifts her head.

'Why? What's wrong?'

'I don't know, mum, you tell me.'

She sits up. 'Remus. Are you accusing me of something?'

'No!' I squeeze her hand. 'Just go to the doctor, please? Just for a check-up?'

'But I'm healthy.'

'Just a check-up.' I try to summon my best puppy eyes. 'Please?'

'Alright,' she sighs. 'I'll get an appointment later, okay?'

'I get one for you, don't worry.' I stand, already starting towards the phone. 'Just tell me who's your GP, and I arrange it for you.'

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