Chapter XI

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in which Remus is not himself

cw: alcohol consumption

You wouldn't think a goofy guy like Terry is so punctual, but he is. He rings the bell just as I'm finished with putting on my outfit and I almost roll down the stairs in my haste to open the door. He peers behind me, assessing the state of our house but I quickly close the door. I'm really awful at cleaning and my mum often says I'm gonna live on a rubbish heap but it's not like she has any more time to clean than I do.

'Hi.' I breathe a kiss on his face, near the corner of his mouth to be clear. He pulls me closer by my jacket.

'Well, well, well—I see someone knows really well what he wants.'

Forgetting, mostly. Feeling normal again. 'Sure I do.'

His hand is soft and warm when he takes mine. I guess that's how we roll. He's always been someone you could count on to be affectionate and that's all I need right now. Someone who grounds me. And if I'm lucky, I don't even have to see Emil at the party; there will be enough people between us to make avoiding him a piece of cake.


Shit. There he is, a house down from ours, skinny, pale and awkward. When he notices Terry, he squares his shoulder.


'Hey, mate.' Terry waves. 'Hope you found another job.' I know he just wants to be nice but that's the worst possible course of action one can take with Emil Basinsky because Emil Basinsky does not play nice.

Before he could snap, I cut in. 'What are you doing here?'

'I was in the area,' he grits out. He won't let his guard down with Terry around. 'Came to throw a brick through your window.'

I rub a hand over my face. Is that the best he can come up with? I thought he was a better liar than this.

'Uh, I don't think he's afraid of you, mate,' Terry says. Normally I love him but now I just wish he'd shut up. I wish they'd both shut up. 'I'm pretty sure he could kick your ass.'

'He won't sleep with you just because you flatter him, you know.'

I grab Emil's arm and yank him closer while with my other arm I do the same with Terry. Hanging onto the both of them I drag them through the street.

'Terry, please don't try to make friends with him, he's not worth the effort.' I turn to Emil. 'And you, you shut up about my sex life because it's none of your business, understood?'

He nods.

'Good. Now try to play nice, both of you, because I'm going to that party and I'm not going to play babysitter to fucking children.'

'Yeah, I can see that,' Emil mutters. 'You're already swearing.'

'Heh, nice one!' Terry lifts his hand for a high five and Emil stares at him. He shakes my hand off himself.

'I'd rather go alone.'

I shrug. 'Suit yourself.'

'Was I trying too hard?' Terry whispers while Emil lags behind, out of earshot. He's already listening to some music, probably death metal or something.

'It's okay. He's not an easy person to like.'

'Really? I would've thought that face had landed him a few boyfriends.'

I glance over my shoulder. 'What face?'

'The freckles, people like that nowadays.'

'Okay, but they like the kind where it's just one or two, like stars. He has his whole face covered in freckles.' Can't we shut up about Emil Basinsky?

The Lion Tamerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें