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~Hana's P.O.V~

     I have been talking to Asahi the last three days every evening while walking home. He was nice to talk to, I don't have many guy friends, my Father doesn't really approve of having friends of the opposite sex. I was also becoming friends with a few of the other players on the boys team. If my Father finds out, he probably won't be too happy, but then again he never is anymore.

Ever since my Papa died of Pancreatic Cancer when I was eleven, my Dad became distant from me, probably because I reminded him too much of his late husband. Yeah that's right, my parents were gay for each other. Well, my Papa was gay but my Dad is bisexual.

My birth Mother had left as soon as I was born and my Dad took full custody of me. Then my Dad met my Papa, fell in love and got married. I got all of my physical features from my Dad except my eyes. I have never met my Mother, but I don't think I would want to. She left me and my Dad, I understand that they were nineteen when they had me, but still. I would never have met my Papa and fell in love with Volleyball if she stayed and raised me.

"Hey, are you alright? You look a bit lost in thought," Asahi comments.

We were walking home from practice together. The sun had almost disappeared over the horizon.

     "Oh yeah I'm fine, just a little tired is all," I said, then smiled my best fake smile.

     I am good a fake smiling and hiding how I really feel. The only person who can see past my facade is Myoko.

     "Yeah me too, practice was pretty rough today," Asahi said with a yawn.

     After the boys did their setting and receiving exercise, they did conditioning. The conditioning pertained of running fifteen minutes, squats, pushups and planks.

     It was also good to see Asahi letting his true self breaking out of his shell. He rarely stutters at all talking to me now. Then I smirked, knowing just the question to get him flustered.

     "Hey Asahi, do you have a girlfriend," I asked with a smirk.

     "W-w-ell, k-kinda u-u-ummm. We a-are s-sorta on a b-break right now," He said, stuttering and cheeks bright red.

     I would have laughed at his awkwardness but his words had me holding it back.

     "Really? Why are you guys on a break? If you don't mind me asking of course," I asked.

     "Well we have been fighting a lot lately and we don't really have very much in common. At first everything was fine then a couple months later we started arguing and not seeing each other as much anymore. I'm not sure how much longer we are going to last to be honest," Asahi stated with a resigned sigh.

     "I'm sorry Asahi. It sucks that you guys are having a rough patch. It if you guys aren't making each other happy anymore, you don't want to keep grasping for strings to stay together," I said, telling my thoughts on the matter.

     "Yeah your right, I just don't have the courage the talk to her yet about how she feels. Well how about you? Do you have a boyfriend," Asahi asked.

     "No my Dad would probably kill the guy if he found out I was dating someone. I would probably be grounded too," I said with a laugh.

     "Sucks that your parents are so strict. I'm definitely glad my parents don't care too much about my social life. As long as I'm passing school and not getting into trouble they tend to just let me be," He stated.

     "That's lucky, I wish my Dad was like that," I responded.

     Then my phone dinged in my jacket pocket. I fished it out and looked to see who it was. The message came from Miss Meito.

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