Chapter /1/

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 hey! Thanks for reading my story! but, for we begin, I must warn u, I first wrote this when I was pretty young, so there are a lot of mistakes! I have grown a lot since writing this so soon this story will be edited! Please do not leave hate comments!<3 

¨ Are you really going?¨

My best friend Felix spoke as I let out a long sigh, Anger growing within my veins with every second that ticked by. ¨ I don't have much choice, do I?¨

I answered annoyed as I laid back in my chair, i swear to god im going to murder them..

The "royal" family decided it was time for the oh so lovely Prince to get married, he turned 20 yesterday, and immediately the invitations were spread across the country, 50 Human girls were selected to be exact, and I happen to be one of them. The royals promised that their son would marry a human girl in order to keep peace, not that we stand much of a chance against the vampires, but it would avoid an unnecessary war as they say themselves.

Some may find themselves happy to be selected, but me and a few others did certainly not, because they were the reason all of the humans live like animals, although the vampires were in the minority, that didn't stop them from suppressing the humans, about a hundred years ago the vampires took over, it was a brutal war that ended up killing thousands of innocents, now a hundred years later humans are forced to live on the street or in a stall, While the vampires live in the wealthiest houses and palaces.

some humans were lucky and could get a house, but most of the time they had to share it with other people, I despise those Bloodsuckers, every, single, one of them, I hate that they treat us like slaves, like we are nothing more than a blood bag to them

they would murder innocent people by either luring them in, making them fall in love, or just killing them in broad day light,  me and my friends are luckily smart enough to use our brains, seeing beyond their good looks and charms, revealing blood-sucking monsters, it makes me sick that some of these girls are brainwashed enough to love that Prince, they adored him, and even wanted to marry him. 

¨ It will be alright Aya¨

Black Blood ☆ Taehyung  ✓Where stories live. Discover now