Chapter /54/

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¨ You Traiter ¨

 A deep and cracky voice spoke behind those Giant doors, as the hatred in the voice couldn't be missed...

The words Causing my eyes to widen as they immediately found Taehyungs, to say we were shocked would be an understatement... because the man who spoke those words was...

his father

The King...

A cold wind flew by as my skin got covered in goosebumps, my mind quickly racing to all kinds of horrible thoughts as my breath got stuck in my throat...

Felix looked deep in thought as his eyes found ours, he began squinting his eyes as Taehyungs seemed to darken, he sniffed the air a few times before lifting his head, an slightly angry look clear in his eyes...

¨ I-I smell Blood ¨

His voice spoke with a hint of panic in them, his eyes never leaving mine as I furrowed my brows, he sniffed the air a few times before nodding his head with wide eyes...

I was about to ask about it when he suddenly interrupted

Black Blood ☆ Taehyung  ✓Where stories live. Discover now