tamaki x fem! reader

Start from the beginning

"You have that motherly felling, that homie kinda felling that makes people warm inside, plus your the only one who can calm kacchan and tamaki down, hm you two are cute together"

"What me and tamaki"

"Yeah, I wish I could talk to todoroki and tell him I like him" he ruffled his hair

"Mido mido" mimi pulled on his shirt

"Hm yeah Mimi"

"Do u like sho sho" she asked

"Do u mind if I pick her up" he asked

"No not at all"

Izuku picked Mimi and placed her on his shoulders

"Yes I do, why do u ask"

After izuku and Mimi finished there conversation we had arrive at her school, taking her inside and getting her settled, I kiss her on the cheek and begin to walk out

"Wait wait, sissy, kissy"

"Haha okay okay"

I bent down and gave her a kiss on her forehead, cheeks, nose and hands

"I love you Mimi do u know that"

"Yes I do sissy"

"Good now I need to go to school bye bye honey"

I arrived at school late-ish as usual as I have to drop Mimi off at school, I walk into class and everyone's eyes are on me I smile and walk to my desk which is next to tamakis. I take my seat and smile to my boyfriend mouthing hi, he said hey back and we continued on with the lesson

As the time dragged on for about 2 hours I started humming to myself as the class was chatting amongst themselves, I tap my foot to the beat of the song hallelujah, I sing it to my little sister every night, it's kinda like out thing ya'know, I was soon interrupted by my home room teacher

"Hello class I need you to get your hero costumes on right now we have a villan attack and the school wants to see if you guys are ready for the pro life. hurry now you have five minutes to get change, GO!.

every scurried off to get changed

'whats this all about, why I'd there a villan attack happing now and were' you thought as you rushed to your hero outfit, after you got changed you started running toward to attack, running and panting you rushed forward, arriving at the scene of the crime, apon arriving your eyes widen in shock villans swarmed the area, small spots were on fire, people screaming and running, but the worst part was it was all taking place at your little sisters pre-school,

You stood in shock, mind aimlessly wandering around to what could happen, what might happen and what has happened, you stood on the rooftop staring blankly until someone tapped your shoulder, it was the green haired boy from class 1A

"Hey y/n are you alright" he asked

"What are the villans doing here" I ask

"Aizawa said that they were after Eri, we put her in school to see how she would deal with being around kids her age, argh we shouldn't have let her go!"

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