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"Uh you've know him for like 1 month girl omg you do fall in love fast"


"I fell in love fast girl your are fucking hmm- mmm mmh hhmmh" I shove my hand over yumi's mouth

"Shut up" I say


"You're such a child" I playfully say

"Yeah yeah"

"Uh what meds do u need to take y/n-san" Midoriya asked

"Huh of uh, iron, anxiety, depression, heart burn and stress, and one occasion prescribed painkiller medication, not that much" I shrugged "Wow I just realized how fucked up I am, like saying that shit out loud, BITCH I SHOULD BE IN A MENTAL HOME" I scream to Yumi

"Hahahah you should be babe" she laughs at me

*Todorokis pov*



Heart burn



prescribed painkiller medication

What i, I wanted to I need to..

"Hey Sho you alright" y/n said

She said my first name

"Uh sho?" I repeat

"Oh so-rry if you don't want me calling you that it's fine" she stammered

"Oh no no no its fine" I wave my hands in the air

"Oh speaking of which I'll be back" she ran off, I stood up from the couch and got a cup of water

I heard the door reopen and I saw y/n with a big basket of sweets she walked over to me and handed me the basket

"For you and them for, 1. Helping me and, 2. Because uh stress baking haha ya'know"

"Uh thank you"

"Holy shit y/n are your cookies in that basket" bakugou asked

"Uh yes, there are cookies, truffles, cupcakes, brownies and caramel slice why" she asked

"Cause your cooking is fucking amazing"

"Haha thank you, uh please dig in" she said

She's so humble


"Are you tired" I asked

"Uh yea alittle" she said

"I walk you back to your place" i offered

"That would be nice thanks" she smiled

We began to walk to her place, really quickly arriving there I open the door for her and walk her in, she sits on the couch and Pats the seat next to her I take a seat and get comfortable quickly gathering enough courage I lean my head on her shoulder which courses my cheek to squish, she chuckles and leans her head atop my head.

We sit in comfortable silence for a while until she speaks

"So how's life been" she said starting up a conversation

"Hmm.., okay I guess, nothing new has happened"

"Hm that's pretty boring" she replied

"Yeah, uh can I ask a question" I ask

"Yeah of course what is it"

"Why do I take so many medication" I finish

"I don't know, I was told that it helps me but all it's done it make me sleep deprived, and stressed, that's why I'm always baking ya'know" she says

"Mhmm do u wanna watch a movie" I ask

"Yeah sure what kind"

"I don't know" he said

"Hmm how about (your favorite film)" you suggested

"Yeah okay"

She got up and got her laptop placing it on her lap to get the movie up after putting the movie on full screen, she got up and connected the lap top to the tv so it was bigger,placibg it on the floor, why she did that I got comfortable on the couch, laying on my back slighting turned to face the t.v, she pressed play in the movie and came back to the couch sitting on the end of the couch away from me, I looked at her then the tv then to her again I sat up and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her down with me so she was laying in my chest, one the outside I'm calm and collected on the inside I'm fucking screaming.

After a few awkward moments she got comfortable and snuggled into me, she tangled her legs with mine, making a warm shiver run up my spine. Not even 30 minutes into the movies she's asleep on me,

She won't mind if I take a nap would she I mean she is asleep on me afterall

So with that last thought I dozed off into a peaceful slumber

*Time skip brought to you by a lazy author hahaha*

'shhh you fucking dumbass they're sleeping'

'sorry kacchan'

'yo boom boom man when are you gonna get a girlfriend'

'loves overated dumbass'



"Oh shit we woke him" a familiar said

"What are you doing here" I say looking at my roommate and Yumi

"Well when you didn't come back we wanted to see what you were up too so we came to scope the area" Yuki whispered

"Yeah and we fucking found you fucking cuddling and sleeping the fuck" bakugou whisper/shouted

"Okay well leaving before you wake her up" I said

"Okay bye bye" Yumi said dragging deku and bakugou out of the apartment and shutting the door, I take a look at y/n and she's still fast asleep, I didn't want to wake here so I dozed back off to sleep

Finished finally ahh bye bye

Mha Oneshots / X Reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora