Kirishima x reader

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When you cry



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*Your pov*

You were in your dorm room with chocolate, tissues and hot chocolate, it was one of Those days ya'know were you would locked your self up in a room with the lights off and in a blanket burrito, watching sad ass movies, first it was the Titanic, you cried for ages, then the note book. Your were in the middle of the note book when a knock interrupted your movies day

"Who ever is at my door leave!" I screamed my voice breaking, I focused back on the movie,

"Uh you dumbass bitch why go to that rich dickhead when you have a manly man who built a house for you waiting for you, you asshole" I screamed

"Uh y/n are you alright in there" a familiar voice said I rushed go the door and opened it

"Kiri!" I grab his arm and drag him into my room, pulling him to my bed and throwing him a blanket,

"Uh what's going on babe?" He asked

"Shhh shh shh it's getting to the good part, she's going back to him" i smile

I focus back on the movies, this is my first time watching this, part of my already knew Allie would go back to Noah because romance, protagonists ya'know the cliché haha

"What are you watching" Kiri asked

"It's called the note book" I say leaning back on my pillows "apparently it's really sad"

"Oh okay so what's it about, what's happened so far"

"Well the two main characters Allie and Noah fell in love during there summer break and they were dating for a few weeks, they than went to this abandoned house that Noah is gonna buy when he's older, and they almost had sex but then a friend busted through the door, allies family was an ass, they broke up and she moved to new York for 8 years, now she's dating a douchebag, but she saw the finished house in the paper and is going back to Noah, it flicks from then being young to then being old and Noah telling Allie the sorry of there love, oh yeah did I forget to mention when she's older she has dementia" I say looking up at him

"Wait is she doesn't remember him" he asked

"Nope" I say " now shh and let me cuddle you" I lean into his chest and fic my attention to the tv again, Kirishima wrapped is arms around me and began watching the movies with me, about 40 minutes later the movies was at the depressing part I get out of kiris grip and sit up, wiping silent tears away from my eyes, I take a look at Kiri and his was crying to, I crawl over to him and hug him, he places his head on my lap and I stroke his hair, I cry alittle heavier as they lay on the bed together and talking about dying, wiping constant tears away from my eyes I sob as the credits roll on the screen

"Ar-e you okay Ki-ri" I choke out he shakes his head no "what is the movie" he nods

"W-hy are old pe-ople so de-press-ing" he sobbed, I laugh

" I don't know babe" i look down at him, your crying more than me babe"

"Uh this is so unmanly, crying over a movie while your girlfriend comforts me ha, I'm so unmanly"

"No your not, being manly doesn't meant you can't cry, crying is so manly, okay" I say " I'm going to the kitchen to make hot chocolate would you like some"


"Alright I'll be back" I say, he lifted his head so I could leave, opening the door and going to the kitchen I put the kettle on and grab some take away cups putting hot chocolate sugar and milk in, still waiting I go in my phone

"Why is you fucking face so fucking red nerd" bakugou asked me

"Why do you care" I spat

" I don't you ass just wanna know is that so bad" he said

"Huh you do have a heart" I say


"I was watching a romcom with Kiri and we cried at the end" I say "happy now"

I pours the hot water in the cups and stir letting the ingredients
dissolve, I put the lids on the cups and start walking with the drinks in hand, before I could leave a hand was placed on my shoulder

"Yeah Kat" I say

"What was the movie called" he said



"Well I watched two do you want both of them" I ask

"Uhh yeah, please"

"The first one was the Titanic and the second one was the note book both on (enter website here)"


"Are you gonna watch them with your girlfriend"

"Uh yeah, no, maybe" he said flustered

"Okay well I gotta get back to Kiri bye Kat"

"Bye y/n"

I head back to my room and open the door, handing Kiri his drink,

"So why did you come here in the first place" I ask

"Oh uh I wanted to ask you something" he said

"What was it"

"Uh I um wanted to know it you, wanted to, uh go on a date tomorrow night" he asked



(You don't have to say yes if you dont want to go on a date it's fine really)

"Yes i would love to go on a date"

"This is gonna be our first date haha what a cutie" I thought

The end

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