The Invasion, part 2

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There he was - on the ground, motionless in front of his family.

His brother's calls for him were nothing but muffles in your ears as your eyes were fixated on the leader's heavily bruised body. There were thousands of cuts, both small and large, and bruises, he was covered in snow, dirt and his own blood. His eyes were closed and his chest was barely moving. All you could hear was the heavy beating of your heart.

Then, coming in from the broken window, Footbots made their entrance with their weapons up and ready to attack. Quickly, Raph carried his bruised brother as April led the team out of the apartment and down to the panicked streets. When Donnie opened the front door, Rahzar jumped down and landed in front of him. However, before he could attack, Mikey threw a couch from the floor above, crushing the man-dog mutant. Tiger Claw then came from the side and started blasting his guns at you and the group. Normally you would be happy to be attacked by the hot mutant but Leo's life was on the line and it affected you immensely. Donnie tossed his smoke bombs at the large cat man which exploded in his face, blinding him momentarily. Kirby then took the lead and ran you all towards his party wagon.

"What the heck is that?" Casey asked, thrown off by the ridiculously looking van,

"It's my old party wagon from back in my hipster days. Groovy." Kirby smiled and did a peace sign with his hands however, he was suddenly submerged by mutagen which was fired at him by Kraang Prime who had peeked out of the corner.

"No!!" You screamed in agony as your emotions came flowing back and overwhelmed you.

"Not again!" April complained.

"April, move!" Casey pulled her away and everyone went inside the van with Casey and April on the front seats and the rest of you behind.

"Floor it, Jones!" Raph urged and Casey immediately began driving away.

While the car drove away, Kraang Prime was following closely behind, firing mutagen to attempt to stop the moving vehicle. Luckily, Casey found a small alley and drove through it which ceased Prime from chasing you as he was too big for the alley. The boy sighed in relief as he continued to make his way through the nearly empty streets. Raging fires were taking over, practically rendering the city unrecognisable. Casey kept driving until he stopped at a garage where it was slightly quieter. Raph bursted out of the van, urging to find Splinter but Mikey worried about what to do with Leo.

"He can stay with me and Y/N. I'm going back to search for my family." Casey said with a frown.

With that, he steered the van away from the safe corner and went straight for his domicile. The drive was silent and all could be heard were your sniffling and small whimpers as you mourned. Not only did you mourn for Leo, you mourned for your guardian who had been turned into a mutant again right in front of your eyes and you mourned for your friends who mostly had turned into mutants as well. It was a nightmare that you wished you could wake up from. Soon enough, Casey stopped the car and got off, telling you that he would be right back before he carefully skated away. It was just you and Leo in the quiet vehicle now. His head was gently placed on your knees and you could hear his small breathing. Your fingers traced his cheek and jawline as tears kept flowing from your blood-shot eyes.

"H-Hey Leo... You can wake up now." You whimpered. "It's just you and me... Please, open your eyes...!" A sob escaped your moist lips. "C'mon Leo...! You're our leader, we need you! I need you...! I would give anything to hear your soothing voice again... The same voice that calmed me and spoke sweet words to me, the voice that made me feel warm inside and happy... Oh, Leo... Don't leave me... I love you too much to lose you...!"

Finally, you let it all out, your tears and cries of agony as you had lost too much for you to handle on your own. All you wanted was to have Leo hug you and tell you it was going to be okay but that wasn't possible as he was hanging between life and death. His names left your lips countless times, feeling the need to have him whisper soothing words to you to calm you down. You mourned until you had no more tears to cry. How long had it been since Casey left? It didn't matter to you anymore. Caressing Leo's face, you hummed a small tune before softly singing it out.

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