Turtles and I

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"Hey guys!" You greeted the turtles as you entered the lair with a bright smile. Walking inside with your F/C t-shirt and black jeans with a F/C flannel tied around your waist, you were practically glowing.

You had a great day in school; Christine Cannigula, the head of the Arts Committee announced that she announced the musical of the year which was Beauty and the Beast. Seen as you loved musicals, you had decided to audition for the main character, Belle however you put Mrs. Potts as a second option. The audition was in a week so you had time to prepare. You had also received a decent grade for your Language and Literature test. Finally, Gunter had come to school and had told you that he would be leaving for Germany to live with his mother. What had surprised you was that he had worn an oversized hoodie with pants and converse, no longer his pastel coloured clothes. That was when you knew you had done something good and that he was on the road of recovery. His father was arrested for illegal activity and his lab in his room was shut down.

"Y/N!" Mikey greeted back with a bear hug that you returned. His hugs were just the best and you could never get enough of them. "You came in just in time. I had stuff ready for baking cookies! Wanna join?"

"Cookies? Sign me up!" You agreed and then he dragged you to the kitchen where he has laid out all the materials. "Chocolate chip, eh?"

"They're my favourite."

"Honestly, same."

"Right, let's get baking!"

You went to the oven and preheated it at 175°C and then joined Mikey in front of the large bowl. Grabbing the baking soda, you put 1 teaspoon in a small bowl and dissolved it whilst Mikey creamed butter, white sugar and brown sugar until it was smooth. Whilst you beat the eggs one at a time along with adding vanilla in the big bowl, Mikey went to grab the flour in the cabinet however he tripped and the flour spilled on the table and all over you and the orange masked turtle. Seeing him fall made you laugh out loud and soon enough he laughed too. He got up and added the flour in the bowl along with the chocolate chips and dissolved baking soda. Once every ingredient was inside, Mikey not-so-discreetly jabbed his finger inside the bowl and took it out, covered with the dough. He cautiously liked it before his eyes went wide and he nearly ate his finger off whilst finishing the dough he took.

"Well?" You asked.

"You gotta try it! Words. Not responding!" He replied, forming half sentences as you could practically see his brain explode from what he had tasted. Curious, you took a sample of the dough and ate it.

"Shit." You cursed as you felt your tongue be overwhelmed by a mix of delicious flavour from the chocolate to the sugar. You hummed with closed eyes, taking in the moment you were having.

"Y/N, you're officially my second chef in command." Mikey stated, giving you a side hug.

"Mikey can I just? Adopt you? You're so adorable, my heart just can't take it!" You asked, placing your hands on his shoulders.

"Be my older sister?" He suggested, also placing his hands on your shoulders, intensely looking into your eyes.

"Of course, duh!" You replied before bringing the shorter turtle in a bear hug that he returned with a happy grin.

"How long has it been since we've met?" He inquired, still enveloped in your arms.

"Little over 3 months?"

"Really? Feels like years! It must be because I love you!"

Oh my gOd. He loves mE.

You couldn't contain it anymore. You let out a loud squeal as you squeezed Mikey out of pure joy. "I love you too!"

Frostfall (Leonardo X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now