The Invasion, part 1

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Buckle up bois


Karai had mutated into a venomous snake. You had heard the news and it broke your heart. Guilt crept up on you despite it not being your fault. Still, maybe if you had been there, you could have prevented it from happening. Either way, there was nothing anyone could do at the moment. Donnie had been working on a retro-mutagen right after she got mutated and the poor turtle was stressing out.

Not only that, the turtles informed you that the Kraang's invasion was inevitable and that you should always be on your guard which is what you had been doing since they told you. Hell, you even asked the principal to tighten the security procedures to which he thankfully agreed. It was amazing how much trust he had in you despite you just being a regular student. Well, aside from your powers of course. Security measures included the reduction of time spent on after school activities which also included your band jamming sessions. Jeremy also knew thanks to Mikey informing him..

"Why did the security measures become so tight all of a sudden?" Connor asked as the 6 of you walked down the hallway towards the gates.

"For safety, duh." Rich replied.

"Seriously, dude, why now?" Connor questioned again. "Does the principal know something we don't?"

You could already feel yourself starting to sweat despite it being winter. "I'm sure if he knew something, he'd tell us, right?"

Connor hummed. "I guess."

The rest of the walk was silent until your phone buzzed. You picked it up and saw you had a new message from the red-masked turtle himself.

'Karai search with me and Casey. 5:30 pm @ 41 bleecker strt.'

You looked at your watch which read 4 pm. Since you would take the train, it would take you an hour to reach there. Taxis in New York were expensive as hell so no way were you taking that.

'K.' You typed back.

"Guys I'm heading to Bleecker Street." You told your group of friends.

"Why?" Michael asked. "You going to see Dr. Strange?"

You snorted. "No way! I mean that would be awesome if he was real. But no, I'm meeting Casey there for a snack at a nice shop he found." You lied.

"If I wasn't full right now, I would've joined you." Michael said whilst patting his stomach.

"Maybe next time." You giggled.

The group became smaller as they all took different directions and stopped at different stations until it was just you. You first decided to go home and put your bag down as you didn't want to drag it around for the search. Once you left your domicile, you went back to the metro station, waited for the train until it arrived and went inside. Despite having your earphones on, your e/c eyes scanned the train, looking for anyone suspicious that could be a Kraang droid in disguise. However everyone seemed fairly normal. Half an hour had passed until you arrived at the station and you looked at your watch to see it was 5:05 pm. The train had been slow during the ride so more time had been wasted. Picking up your pace, you speed walked out of the crowded and loud station and through the long street, looking at the building numbers. Your phone vibrated again and looked at the message.

'Look above.' It read and so you did and here you saw Raph on the rooftop with a telescope.

You smiled and walked over to the building. As you did, you saw Casey spray painting the wall of the alley beside the building. Curious, you went to check it out and you were surprised to see a graffiti of him and April. You had to admit, despite it being creepy, the guy had some mad skills.

Frostfall (Leonardo X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now