The Kraang Conspiracy: Finding Jeremy

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It had been days since you told Leo about Gunter's plan and you grew worried. The Halloween Party was coming closer, which also meant the end of the school. You had given Leo the USB key who had passed it over to Donnie. Donnie had analyzed and had told you that it wasn't just a regular bomb; it was a mutagen bomb. Gunter wanted to mutate everyone. The only thing you needed to know was why. What was his motive? Either way, you had to stop him. You had asked Leo for advice but he had replied that there was nothing you could do for now, not until the actual day itself. That frustrated you but he had a solid point that you couldn't argue. It seemed that you had a lot on your shoulders; school council president, finding Jeremy, reporting to teachers and now you had to stop the bomb. You were typing away on your computer, working on an essay that was due in a few days, in your room. It was around 11:30 pm and you were already feeling tired, it was a long day. Just then, your phone rang and you looked to see it was Leo. A smile made its way on your tired face as you answered it.

"Yo." You said.

"Hey Y/N. I just wanted to check up on you. You seem pretty stressed out lately." He replied.

"Ah, yeah... A lot's on my plate."

"I can imagine. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

You sighed. "It's okay. That's part of being a leader, right?"

"Tell me about it." You both chuckled as you understood each other very well. Another moment of connection between the two of you.

"So, what're you up to right now?" You asked.

"We're patrolling at the moment."

"Is April with you? She's not in her room."

"Yup. She's training with us."

"Good good. I guess I should leave you to it then."

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, no worries."

"Alright then. See you." He finished before ending the call.

You smiled as you put back your phone on your table and looked at your screen. The document was still up but you suddenly no longer wanted to continue your work. So you opened a new tab and went on YouTube. There, you watched meme videos and conspiracy theory ones as well as a few news related ones. It felt nice doing nothing for a bit. You also felt less stressed. Something about Leo's voice was soothing and it calmed you down. Oh, what you would give for him to read you a bedtime story. Suddenly, your phone rang again and this time it had a different caller ID.

It was Jack Kurtzman.

You answered the call. "Jack? What's up?"

"I may have an idea where your friend might be. I'm outside at the moment to gather more information however you're free to come by and we can discuss more about it." He explained.

"Alright, I'm coming over. See you later." And with that, you ended the call, put your phone inside your pocket and left the apartment.

Deciding you felt lazy to walk there, you closed your eyes and concentrated on Winter. You thought about your assignments and everything that stresses you out and soon, your transformation had begun. You opened your eyes and they glowed and the roots of your H/C turned white, trailing down to the tip until your entire hair was a beautiful white colour. Facing your palms against the floor, the mist that came out from them with a strong force propelled you into the air and soon enough, you were flying off to Jack's. You quickly arrived at his place, entered the building and calmed your nerves by taking deep breaths and clearing your mind and you began transforming back to normal. Taking the elevator up, you pressed the floor number that he lived in and waited whilst the rather annoying elevator music played. You exited the lift when it arrived on the floor and walked towards his door with the keys in your hands. He gave you an extra pair of his apartment jey so that you could come over any time you wanted. Opening the door, you went inside and closed it behind you. Your eyes scanned his apartment and when you went to the living room, you noticed a board with pinned pictures of the turtles and April.

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