Goldenrod: Kenma X Reader

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Yet another gift

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Yet another gift.

It was frustrating. Someone was watching him, but he didn't know who. Kuroo said for him to calm down, as they were clearly fond of him, but he couldn't help it. These gifts were left for him everywhere. In his locker, on his desk, even on his doorstep. They were simple things at first, a good luck charm, a ring, a bag of homemade cookies, but they soon escalated into things like games that he'd been eyeing or a treat he might have mentioned he'd been craving that day.

Whoever the serial gifter was, was watching Kenma very closely. They also managed to get out of sight just in the nick of time every time as well.

Today's gift was a bouquet of flowers. Goldenrods to be exact. Were these the bloom of the mysterious gifter? Kenma played with one of the flowers slightly. He examined the bouquet for anything suspicious and found what he was looking for. Tucked away between the paper binding the flowers together and the stems was a handkerchief. Was it a clue to the gifter's identity? He slowly pulled the fabric from the bouquet and took it into his hand. He examined it closely. It was like one of those mystery games where you had to gather all the clues and piece together a murder, however, the solution to this mystery wasn't a murderer, but a giver. The soft fabric was covered in yellow pollen from the flower. He turned the fabric all around to look at it from all angles. Finally, he spotted some elegant stitching on the corner of the handkerchief. The stitching spelled out initials. (Y/I). finally, he had some sort of clue, but how to catch them?

His teammates had suggested a stakeout/setup sting operation, but he disliked the idea. There was probably a reason as to why the gifter was so reserved. Sure, he wanted to figure out who they were, but he understood the appeal of secrecy. He just wished he knew how the gifter did it. Out of sight before even Kuroo could catch them. He began to wonder if maybe the gifter hid in plain sight? Or maybe the gifter used another to deliver their gifts.

He had attempted to play hooky that day, but Kuroo had caught him. Kuroo had just dragged him into the gym.

"Kenma! Come on! Hurry your ass in there!" Kuroo yelled as he threw him onto the wooden gym floors. Kenma pouts at his childhood friend. He really didn't want to be in the gym right now.

"Hey, Kenma! Did you get any more gifts?" a tall lanky boy with silver hair asked him, but a short boy with even shorter hair swiftly kicked him in the side.

"Lev! Did I say we were done?!"

"But Yaku-senpai! I want to know about Kenma's mystery gifts!"

"You can ask after you can actually receive a ball right!" Yaku dragged the lanky Lev back to where he was working on receives.

"But, did he get another gift?" Lev protested as he was dragged.

"Yeah, he did." Kuroo satiated the first year's curiosity. Kenma pouted at his captain. He didn't have to tell Lev.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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