Hyacinth: Aomine Daiki X Reader

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AN: This one is a bit older, and the quality isn't as good, so I apologize, if I ever feel like rewriting it, I'll notify my followers 

AN: This one is a bit older, and the quality isn't as good, so I apologize, if I ever feel like rewriting it, I'll notify my followers 

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You identify the cluster of flowers as a Hyacinth. You gave a wide smile to your reflection in the airport mirror. It's been a while since you've seen your half brother. He moved to Japan recently, and now you were moving out with him. You adjusted your hair before walking out of the bathroom to catch your flight to Japan.

As you walk out of the bathroom, you spot your half brother, Taiga. He looked dead. Alex had been whipping him into shape for his tournaments back in Japan. You were just happy that you were finally moving out with your brother.

"Taiga! Taiga! Are you excited?" You asked with way too much energy for him to handle at the moment.

"(Name), I need you to take it down to at least a 4,"

"I caaaaaaaaan't!" You bounced around with your bag "We can be a family finally!" Kagami paused. Kagami's and your father was always busy, which caused friction between him and his mom. Right after Taiga was born, they split. Your father made the mistake of jumping into a relationship right after that, resulting in you. It was a complex family life, but you and Taiga had each other.

Until recently, you had been seeking solace in Alex, as she was the only female role model after your absent mother. Once Taiga came back to America, you jumped at the chance to go back to Japan with him. You were lonely.

"You know Taiga, I could probably take you One on One now, Alex taught me a few things" You taunted. Taiga scoffed

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try!" You smile. You finally got some energy out of him. It had been a long time since you got to spend time with him like this, and you were going to relish every moment.

Once you got to Japan, your energy train had stopped, but Taiga's seemed to keep going.

"What's the matter (Name)? Can't go on?" He taunted. You clicked your tongue

"You wish! Race you!" Your energy came back to you as you ran to retrieve your bags. Taiga smiled and ran after you. It was good to have you back.

You were pouting in the apartment. Alone. That idiot forgot he had to get to his game. And he ended up leaving you alone. Again. You sighed. You hated being alone. You had basically been alone all your life. Your mother freaked out after you were born and fled, leaving you with dad and Taiga. Taiga got invested in basketball, and you couldn't bear to try and tear him away from that. You got up off the ground and decided to look and see if you could find some street courts. You hated being sad and sulking, you needed to channel that energy somewhere. You searched for a basketball and leave a note for Taiga.

As soon as you open the door, you see Alex.

"Oh! Alex! What's up!" You feign cheerfulness.

A petal's tale (Various Soulmate AU X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora