"So, another round?" Joel interrupts.

"You're on."

We play another round, this time the guys win.

"Best two out of three?" Yammy asks as we walk out of the arena.

"Sounds fair to me." Callum agrees.

"You're going down!" Lauren grins. I fist bump her, then Lizzie fist bumps her too.

Oli and I are the first of our teams to get out, so we sit in the lobby and wait for our friends to come out.

"Who do you think will win?" I ask, sitting down on the floor to wait.

"I don't know, but I'm hoping my team."

"Yeah, well. I'm hoping for my team." I grin.

"Anyway, who are you going with to the Vidcon party?" He asks.

"I don't know, probably Yammy. Lizzie and Joel are definitely going together, so I can't go with her. I assumed we'd just go as a group."

"Yeah I guess that assumption makes sense." He says, looking down at his hands.

"Why d'you want to know?" I ask.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you'd want to go with me is all."

"Well," I grin, "I'd love to go to the Vidcon party with you."


We sit in silence for a little while, until Scott gets out and joins us.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Scott!" I grin, "Come join us in the loser corner."

"The loser corner?"

"We all got out, didn't we?"

"Alright, I'll join you in the loser corner." He agrees, sitting with us.

We talk for a little while. Lauren is out next, then Yammy.

We stop talking, waiting anxiously for whoever is out next.

Lizzie is the next person out, but Joel is right beside her.

"So who one?" Yammy asks them as we all stand up and walk over to join them.

Lizzie points up at the leader board, and a few seconds later the teams appear.

First place? Our team.

"Who's boring now!" I exclaim, grinning and hugging Lizzie. "I'm so proud of you!"

We take turns hugging Lizzie and celebrating, then Callum calls an Uber for us.

Once again, there are only 6 seats and 8 of us, so Lizzie and I have to sit on Joel and Oli's laps again.

"So, we're stuck like this again, huh?" I grin as the driver starts the car and we start the drive back to the hotel.

"I see what you mean when you say you end up in a lot of awkward situations."

"Yeah it's been happening more often in the past few days." I laugh, "We should get McDonalds."

"Absolutely." Lizzie agrees, "Drive-through, anyone?"

"Sure, get me some chicken nuggets and I'll be fine."

The Uber takes us through the drive through and we all get our food then go back to the hotel, this time to Callum and Scott's room.

We hang out and play Mariokart and eat our McDonalds, I do okay, Lizzie loses badly, but I only beat her and Lauren, who I don't think was trying.

Oli and Scott tie for first and Joel and Callum take 3rd and 4th and Yammy gets 5th.

After a little while, Yammy, Joel, Lauren, and Oli all leave. Callum leaves to go down to the lobby, leaving just Scott, Lizzie, and I.

"So. Updates on my plan?" Lizzie asks me.

"Plan?" Scott asks.

"Lizzie's trying to set me up with Oli." I explain. "We're going to the party together but that's it. Nice try, Lizzie, but this isn't going to work."

"We'll see." Lizzie says, then turns and mouths something to Scott. "I'm going back to my room."

"You should leave too, Nessa." Scott adds.

"Oh, I see what you're doing!" I exclaim, getting up off the bed. "And it doesn't matter, we're only ever going to be friends, so chill out."

I leave with Lizzie and we walk down the hall to her room, then I take the elevator up a floor to go back to my room.

"This is ridiculous." I mutter as I open the door. "Their plan is never going to work."

The Plan (TheOrionSound)Where stories live. Discover now