Chapter Three

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I wake up and grab my clothes for the day out of my suitcase -- a black tank top and black and white loose grid self-tie shorts. I put them on in the bathroom and walk back out to sit on my bed. I turn to say something to Lizzie only to remember that she switched rooms because Oli is still asleep in the bed.

I play a game on my phone waiting for it to be time to leave. Eventually Oli gets up and gets ready too. I put my combat boots on so I'll be ready.

"We gotta be downstairs in 3 minutes to meet everyone!" I call to Oli.

"Okay fine, be there in a second." He responds.

"I'm leaving you." I say, opening the door and leaving the room.

"Wait up!" He catches the door before it closes and walks over to where I'm standing by the elevator.

"Come on." The elevator opens and we both get in. "If we make anyone late to a panel they're going to make jokes."

"What's so bad about jo- oh." He laughs, "That kind of joke."

I grin, "Yeah." I hit the button for the Lobby. "So you see why can't be late?"

He nods. I lean against the wall with my hands behind me on the rail while the elevator goes down to the Lobby.

We get off the elevator and walk over to meet the rest of the group by the door.

"Hey guys, ready to go?" I ask as we walk up, Lizzie takes a quick head count.

"Yeah, that's everyone!" She says, "We don't need an Uber this time, we can just walk."

We get recognized a number of times walking to the convention center, mostly Lizzie and Lauren. Joel and I get recognized once each, too.

"Alright, Lizzie, Nessa, Lauren, and I have a panel right now but we'll meet up with you guys after." Yammy says, "Now we gotta go or we'll be late."

We leave to go to the backstage area to get ready for the panel.

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The panel only takes about two hours so we meet up with everyone about an hour before lunch hanging out at Lizzie's meet and greet, though a number of fans end up getting signatures or pictures with some of the rest of us.

"Did you here they added an event at the end of Vidcon?" Yammy asks, setting her phone down on the table.

"Ooh really? What?" I ask.

"Some party for all the creators and a few fans that win some raffle they're doing or something like that." Yammy says.

"I think it's cool." Lizzie adds, turning away from her fans for a second to talk to us. "They're donating all the money from the raffle to some charities."

I stop paying attention to the conversation for a minute to sign something and take a picture with a fan.

Once Lizzie's meet and greet ends we go get lunch, then Callum, Scott, Joel, and Fwhip have a panel that we go watch to support them.

Finally, the day is over and we get to leave. We get some food to-go on our walk back to the hotel and all go to Joel and Lizzie's room to hang out, watch TV, and eat our dinners.

Lauren goes back to her room first, then Yammy, then Oli, then Callum and Scott go back to their room.

Lizzie waits until Joel leaves to go to the bathroom then moves over to sit next to me to whisper.

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