We Can Escape Together

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I woke up and felt the cold air hit my skin. I snuggled into Cameron more and laid my head down on his chest. I quickly realized he was up because he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. He started to play with my hair. Why does it always seem that boys play with a girl’s hair? I shrugged it off and came back to reality. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the light. I quickly put my hands over my eyes and rubbed them, trying to get adapted to the light. Cameron moved around quickly and sat up. He looked at me and stared. “Are you ok? What happened?” he asked. I laughed at his concern and answered back. “Just the light.” I said shrugging it off. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. I reached under the bed only to find that my clothes weren’t there. “Cameron what is I supposed to wear? My clothes aren’t here.” I say. “Here you can wear my shirt. It will be big on you so it will be like a dress.” He said. I blushed thinking about me running around here with only a shirt on. It would probably only go down to my thighs. I figured this wasn’t a good idea being that Nash was such a pervert. “Olivia comes back to Earth.” Said Cameron, waving his hand in front of my face. I shook my head and looked at him. “I don’t think I should wear that.” I said with a pretty serious face. “Why not? It’s this, or the same clothes you’re wearing; which isn’t a smart idea being it’s only a tank and shorts.” He said. “But Nash is such a perv.” I whined. “What about me darling?” said a voice behind me. I shot my head behind me to see Nash standing there. I watched him as he licked his lips. “I like what you’re wearing babe.” Said Nash pretty much eye raping me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Cameron. “Why does he have to be here?” I ask. “He doesn’t have a family and I’m pretty sure I know why.” Said Cameron giving Nash a glare. If looks could kill I think Nash is dead. I’m just guessing Cameron means Nash doesn’t have a family because of how perverted he is. I felt a slight smack on my bum and quickly shot around to see a smirking Nash. “I like those booty shorts too.” Said Nash still smirking. Oh how bad I wanted to punch him right there. I ignored him and went back to Cameron. “I’ll take that shirt please.” I said irritated slightly yet sweetly. He chuckled and nodded. He turned to go under his bed. He shuffled some things underneath it and then pulled out a long shirt. He handed it to me and I threw it over what I was wearing for now. “It’s the longest one I have. I’m looking out for you don’t worry.” He said smiling. He lightly took my head in his hands and kissed my forehead. I blushed at this and I looked over to Nash to see him red with anger. “Don’t get too hooked to me, I have a family planning to get me soon. I hope” I whispered the last part not wanting him to hear. I walked over to Cameron and made sure to stick out my butt just to tease Nash, show him what he can’t have. I really do hope that the boys are planning to get me soon.

I am sitting on my bed worried out of my mind and crying. Who knows what is going on in the orphanage right now? I didn’t even see anyone but two people when we had to drop Olivia off. I’m really worried. The woman that was at the orphanage when we were there was very old. I think her name was Mrs. Thomas. But, who knows what other people there are like. The boys and I looked into the orphanage and many reviews say it was bad. The reviews were from people who have adopted children there. I sigh remembering all of this and start to cry even more. I hear my door creep open and my bed dips. “It’s ok Luke we will get her back.” Says the voice that came in; Calum. He is always trying to cheer people up. I love my friends but until we get Olivia back I don’t think I will be happy. “Come downstairs we are going to discuss some…things.” Said Calum. I was kind of disappointed because the boys haven’t really been discussing any good ways to get back Olivia, and I can tell that they aren’t trying because they always have good plans. I nod my head to Calum and he leaves quietly after patting me on the back and ruffling my hair. I stand up a few minutes later and fix my hair then slump my way down the stairs. The boys all cheered when they saw me come down. I gave them a really weak smile and then sat down slowly on the couch. Ashton stood up and went to a blank board in the front of the room. I looked at him curiously and he just smiled. “So Luke when you were moping in your room we were doing something totally summerific.” Said Ashton chessily and smiled. I laughed a little at him and looked up. “What was it?” I asked quietly, yet a little bit happier. They all looked at me and smiled. I was a little scared to be honest. They all looked pretty darn creepy. “We are gonna get Olivia back!” cheered Ashton. My head shot up and I smiled the biggest I ever have in my life. I stood up and ran to Ashton and hugged him. The other boys got the hint and came over to join the big group hug. “So let’s go over the plan a few times to get you familiarized with it a little.” Said Ashton. “And please listen because we have heard it about a thousand times, even though it is the simplest thing I have ever heard.” Said Calum giving Ashton a glare. Ashton looked at Calum and waved smiling. Ashton sighed and I heard him whisper ‘I don’t even see why I’m friends with him.’ To Michael. I laughed lightly and gave my attention to Ashton once again. I was so ready to do this.


I have been sitting here all day. The boys have been urging me to get up, but I’m not listening to them. They can’t tell me what to do. I’m actually becoming friends with them so I really don’t want them to be bossing me around if we are going to be friends. Then they will think they always can. But, I also don’t want to get hooked because when I do finally get out of here I will have to leave them. I really don’t want to leave Cameron. He is like a big brother to me. I love him as a brother. I sighed and a hand was snapping in front of my face. “You like to think a lot don’t you?” asked Kian. I nodded. “Life is so full of things people never think of. You need to take time and take in the things around you and what could happen.” I say. Oh my word I sound like Shakespeare. “You should be a pep talker.” Said Aaron. I rolled my eyes and looked at Cameron. He was fiddling with his thumbs and seemed to have something bothering him a lot. He looked up to see me looking at him. He shifted in his seat and stopped fiddling his thumbs and put on a look of fake happiness. I could tell something was wrong. I got up and Aaron grabbed for me. I just shrugged him off and kind of patted his hand for him to let go of me, showing that I wasn’t going out of sight. I walked over to Cameron and sat next to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and he looked over to me and smiled. I smiled back and grabbed his hand. “What’s wrong?” I ask him worried. “Nothing.” He said plainly. “Cameron I know something’s wrong, you have a habit of fiddling your fingers when you have something on your mind.” “It’s nothing honestly.” “Stop lying.” I said. “It’s just…well you see…are you serious when you say you will be going soon?” he asks. I nod my head slowly. “Hopefully.” I say back. He nods and hangs his head low. I see what’s wrong he doesn’t want me to leave. “I know you don’t want me to go. I don’t want to leave you either.” I say to him. He looks up and smiles. “Really?” he asks. I nod. He lifts my hand off of his shoulder and stands up. “Where are you going?” I ask him. “Somewhere.” He answers back. He walks down the room and to the door. He exits and closes the door behind him. He smiles at me before he does so. I wait a few minutes and Cameron still didn’t come back. I lie back down onto the bed and I feel the bed dip next to me. I figure it was Cameron and just let them sit there. “Where did you go?” I ask who I think is Cameron. “I didn’t go anywhere.” They say. I sit up and look at them to see who it was. It was Nash. I quickly shot up off of the bed and stood up. There was no way I was going to lay next to Nash without a fight. “Where are you going?” he asked me. “Anywhere nut where you are.” I snapped. “You are really feisty. I like it.” He says. “Pfft yeah right. Not for you.” I say back rudely. “It’s my defense.” I say adding on quickly. A few seconds later Cameron made his way back into the room. He closed the door behind him and turned around, as soon as he saw Nash by me he started to walk faster. “Hey Cameron, where did you go?” I ask wanting to know. “I will tell you after he leaves.” He says pointing towards Nash. I nod at him and walk over back to Nash. Oh how I’m going to hate every second of this. “Nash you need to go now.” I say. “Why? Is lover boy back?” he asks. I huff and grab onto his arm. If he isn’t going to leave by himself I will help him. I put a death grip on him and drag him over to the other side of the room. I throw him down and walk back over to Cameron and sit down by him. “Talk.” I command. He laughs at my way of ‘being nice to a fellow brother’, as he says it. He is silent for a minute and then finally speaks up. “So, I don’t know if this will be ok with your friends but, Miss Theresa says she trusts me on life and says I am allowed to leave the orphanage and try to start a new life.” He says cheerfully. “And I wondered if I do leave could I stay with you?” he asks. I smile and just sit there not believing that this was real. I nod vigorously and smile even more. I reach in and hug him really tight. He laughs and kisses my head. I giggle and blush. I sure hope I don’t get love feelings for him because I want to be with Luke the most. “Let’s be brother sister ok?” I ask him just to make things clear. “Ok.” He says with his lips pressed to my head, and I can feel his smile on my head. I can’t believe it We Can Escape Together!

Hey guys its Olivia! I hope you are enjoying this story. I'm just putting this out here and saying I do not think Nash is a bad guy, I just wanted to put him in here and that was the only way I could work this out. So just lettting you know if you have great feelings for him. I'm sorry but he is going to be out of this story pretty soon, but will come back in later. Towards the end or middle I think. I still call this the beginning. I love you all and hope you like this story once again. Please spread the word and tell your friends or go on Instagram, Twitter, Vine, etc. lol. Once again its Olivia. Love you POTATOESSSSS!!!!!! -Olivia

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