Something Good

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I woke up and heard laughing and talking. I sat up on the bench and looked around. Ever since I had run away I have been sleeping on this bench and pretty much living around here. The only way I get money is from singing and putting a hat out. I saw families and couples around the park walking or playing. I watched them wishing that I had a family that cheerful. The police haven’t found my fath- that beast and I have a feeling that he is laying low with his evil friends. You know that day when I ran away those four boys were looking at me from across the street. Yeah, well they have been coming to every singing show I have done on the streets. They have changed a lot over the past 5 years. I am now 18 if you didn’t know. I am just a lonely girl out here but I love it. I would rather be lonely than with an abusive father. I know you are thinking how in the world have you survived out in the world with no home for 5 years. Let me tell you it’s not easy but I got used to it and adapted to problems I have. I seriously could not ask for a better life. I have to admit I have liked being alone for this long. The thing is whenever someone makes a quick movement I flinch or freak out. It’s because of what that monster has done to me in my life, and I haven’t grown out of it. I sat on the bench for the most of the day and sang and when it got dark out once again I put my things away and lay down. I fell into a dream filled sleep.


I run down the street away from him. He is running after me with a knife. He yells at me. “I thought you already did this to yourself! And you said it would never be my pleasure! Well guess what I’m sure it will be.” At that he caught up to me and grabbed onto me. He threw me to the ground and started punching me. When he was done he held the blade up. I started to scream for help and thrash around in his grip. “Yeah scream for help but nobody can.” And then he stabbed me.


I shot up on the bench screaming. I was covered in sweat. It was light out but nobody was around thankfully. I sat there for a minute and collected myself. I then looked around to make sure it was only a dream. I saw the four boys standing not too far away from me on another bench. They were watching me and they looked away when they saw me looking at them. They were about my age so I wasn’t scared. I turned back around and grabbed my wallet. I stashed my bags and things at the bottom of a tree and headed across the street. I walked into Starbucks and looked at the menu to order something. I decided to pull a little prank on the people in here. “Hello how may I help you?” asked the woman at the counter. “Um yes can I please get a pumpkin latte, actually make that two please. And a blueberry scone.” I asked. She nodded. “10.99 is your total and can I get a name for the drink.” She said. As I was fishing around my wallet for the money I answered her. Here is the prank. “Um, yes the name would be Harry Styles and Olivia Garbe thank you.” I handed her the change while she was looking at me in shock. She went to do her job and I went over to a table to wait. “Order for Harry Styles and Olivia Garbe!” the person yelled. I stood up and walked over while getting a ton of stares and girls starting to whisper. “Oh yes he is outside in the car waiting I came to get some breakfast quickly, because you know I am his girlfriend.” I picked up my items and walked outside like a boss. I went across the street back to my bench and set my things down. I walked over to the tree where I had hidden my things only to find that they were missing. I looked around the tree and near the tree but couldn’t find them. I turned around to go back to my bench to see the four boys sitting there holding my things. They were gonna get it. “And what do you think you are doing!” I yelled at them. I stopped running when I was a foot in front of them. “Um maybe saying hello before flipping out on us.” The red skittle (Michael) said. I clicked my tongue. “Are you saying that I’m being rude? Because if so I would say you are the ones being rude taking my things.” I sass back to him. Lip ring stood up right in front of me. “Are you okay?” he asked me. “Oh yeah just wonderful you know, because the boys that have seen me the first day I lived on the streets are taking my things. So yeah lip ring I’m fine.” I say sarcastically.  They all chuckle slightly. Lip ring moves closer to me and takes my hand. I flinch and pull away. He looks at me curiously. “My past it’s just well you see I don’t its ok.” I couldn’t explain to them I don’t even know them. I held my hand out and he took it again. I intertwined our fingers. I felt safe with him, actually I felt safe with all of them. “We are gonna help you we are taking you in. You are living with us from now on.” Said the curlyish haired one he had really big hands and long fingers. I looked at them in disbelief. I just nodded not knowing what this meant. I have a home now. I trusted them even though this is the first time I have ever even talked to them. They smiled and the black haired one cheered. I laughed and they all got up. I put my hand out and skittles took it. We all started walking towards the street. They grabbed my things for me and I was skipping down the pathway. I was happy because these guys seem really nice. “So how old are you guys?” I asked them. “18, 18, 18, 21” replied black hair pointing at them while saying numbers. I nodded. “Why is curly older than you three?” I asked. They all looked uneasy and looked back and forth at each other. I was confused. Lip ring nodded at the others and then he spoke up. “We are in a band. I figured you would’ve already figured this out. We are 5 Seconds of Summer.” He said. I gasped how I didn’t realize this; my favorite band was standing in front of me. (I know they wouldn’t have been formed yet when they were thirteen but this is how the story is going so sorry) We walked the rest of the way to their house in silence. We walked in the front door and I gasped. They chuckled and I walked around without any care. I ran back to the front door and they all looked at me. I ran over to them and hugged them. They all surrounded me and hugged me in a group hug. I heard them laughing lightly. And then I felt a hand on my back. I tensed up and pulled away. They all looked confused at me once again. It was time to explain. “Here let’s sit down and I will explain this all to you from the beginning when you first saw me.” I said they all nodded and led me into the kitchen. I explained from the start and they didn’t pity me they just sat there and assured me that it would never happen to me with them. They got me some water and then I decided that I would call them their real names now. But there was one name I wanted to call someone. “Hey guys I have a question.” I said and they all turned to me telling me to go on. “Can I call Michael skittles?” I asked and they laughed. “Sure anything for you Libs.” Said Michael. I laughed at my new nickname. But how did they know my name? I liked it though. They all got me settled in and then we ate dinner. It was the first meal I had ever really had since I ran away. At least home cooked meal because I had like McDonalds and stuff. I had three servings and then Ashton spoke up. “You are just like Niall.” He laughed. I looked at him with wide eyes in shock. They knew One Direction. “Oh my word I love my new life!” I say and we all laughed. We finished our dinner and I helped wash them. When I was done I walked to the bathroom and did my nightly things except in more comfort now that I was in a house. When I was done I thought of something needed. I need a place to sleep. I walked to Luke’s room and called for him since the others were still asleep. “Luke?” I called out.  I heard him in the bathroom brushing his teeth so I waited by the door. Finally he came out only in his boxers. I just stared at his abs but I felt normal being around him like this. It was weird. “Where am I supposed to sleep?” I ask him. He looks around and then turns back towards me. He shrugged I laughed. “It’s ok I will sleep on the ground I’m used to sleeping on hard surfaces.” I say. I went to my bags and grabbed my blanket and a sweatshirt as usual. When I tuned around to head to the living room Luke was standing in the doorway. “You are NOT sleeping on the ground. You live here now you are sleeping in a bed.” He says and grabs my hand. I follow him and he leads me to his bedroom. He lies down in bed and covers himself up. I stand in the doorway confused. “What are you doing?” he asks. “Waiting for where I am supposed to sleep.” I say trying not to sound rude. He laughs. “Lib come here you are sleeping with me.” He gets up and picks me up. He carried me to the bed and plopped me down. I blushed and giggled. He crawled under the covers and I just sat there. “Do I have to do everything for you?” he asks chuckling. He grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. I crawled under the covers and lay next to him. I stared at him for a minute and he stared at me. I smiled and he kissed me on my cheek. “I like you.” He says. “I like you too.” I say back happily. He then kisses me on my lips and I smile. “You are super smiley!” he says. I laugh and close my eyes. I snuggle into him and take in his scent.  Wow this was Something Good!

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