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Hi my name is Olivia Garbe. I have never felt better in my life and that may sound funny because, well I don’t have a house. Yes, technically I’m like a hobo I guess. But, I couldn’t ask for a better life because I would rather live on the streets than with an abusive family. I know you are thinking what you mean abusive family? Well here is my background for you.  When I was 13 my parents abandoned me. I was going to run away anyways but I didn’t get away fast enough. My father ran after me down the front lawn and grabbed my shirt. He spun me around and dragged me into the house. I held in my tears because if I showed I was weak he would make it worse. I had been getting beaten ever since my older brother moved away. My older brother would always protect me but then when he moved away my protection was gone. My dad would lash out on me and beat me. Physically not sexually though which I am thankful for. He beat me until I could hardly move. He grabbed my mother and hauled her out back I heard her screaming and him yelling back and figured he wouldn’t hurt his wife. I sat there just hoping that I wouldn’t die. A few minutes later he came back inside my mom’s screaming had stopped and he was putting something back in his pocket. I saw a glimpse of shine and he had blood all over him. I knew what he had done my mom was gone, dead. And I was all alone now. I was hoping that he would leave forever just disappear he was so abusive. I shut my eyes to make it look as if I was dying. I heard footsteps come closer to me and I heard him chuckle. “You got what you deserved and so did that ugly monster that you called a mother.” I sat there using all my might not to get up and punch him right there. I was 13 I should have some power right? I sat there but didn’t hear him leave I was holding back the best I could. Then it just burst I opened my eyes and looked up at him. A surge of power rushed through me. I fought the pain and stood up; I looked at him, and then raised my fist. I punched him as hard as I could. I looked down at him as he sat on the ground holding onto his face. He tried to get up but I held him down. “You think I’m going to sit here and let you do this with no guilt! You go out there and kill my mom! You’re wife and beat me senseless. You need help but I’m NOT going to help you. You act as though I am trash and treat everybody that way! We have feelings too and you should DIE!” I spit at him crying madly. He tries to get up but I hold him down with my foot. “You aren’t going to hurt me anymore even if you feel you are! I am to take care of myself and my family! But, for as long as I live and know what you did and how you treated me and the ones I loved. I will NEVER call you my family, let alone my FATHER!” He got up and I ran to the kitchen. I opened the knife drawer and pulled one out. He walked in and I held it up for him to see. He was gonna get a trick that he would love to see actually happen. “This is never going to be your pleasure to do!” I screamed at him. I turned the blade towards me and moved it towards me. I pushed it in my armpit to make it look as if I stabbed myself. I fell to the floor careful not to actually cut myself. I removed it and dropped it under me to make sure he couldn’t see it. I shut my eyes slowly and rolled over. I heard shuffling and then the door slammed. He was gone. FINALLY. After this I ran to the window to see him hop in the car and drive away. I went to my room and threw some things into a few bags. I threw it over my shoulder and grabbed my wallet. I locked the house that I had loved other than its one resident that left and exited the door. I walked down the streets. I went to a public bathroom and cleaned myself up. I had made sure to take my mom’s stash of money. She wouldn’t need it. I threw some makeup on to look presentable and changed my clothes. I pulled out my phone and called 911. “Hello this is 911 Emergency what is your emergency?” they asked. “My abusive father has killed my mom. When they get to my house check the backyard she will probably be in the ditch. I locked the house before I left. Don’t bother going in my house my father has fled. He thinks I am dead from the beating he gave me and I acted as if I stabbed myself. Don’t involve me in this I want to be left alone. I don’t have other family and I want to be alone. Leave me out of this. Goodbye and Thank You.” I hung up after that. I left the bathrooms and walked into the town. I sat down on a bench and got out my phone. I put on some karaoke of Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer. I love them. I put out a hat that I had brought and set it down in front of me a few feet. I started to sing and soon enough a crowd gathered. I finished and everyone clapped. I took my hat and counted out what I had gotten.  I looked up to see four guys across the street looking at me with what looked like. Sympathetic looks? I shrugged it off and went back to keeping myself busy. I started singing again and sang for most of the night. It got dark and I ventured to the park I sat on a bench and got out my blanket. I put it over me and used a sweatshirt as a pillow. I soon fell asleep. Little did I know that I was going to be living out here for a whole 5 years until someone came to my rescue and my life picked itself back up again? So this was my Background.

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