Please Get Me Back

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I lie on my bed and stare at the ceiling. This definitely wasn’t a place I wanted to be. I’m 18 I think I can handle myself. I don’t need to be at some stupid orphanage to be cared for. I am a teenage girl. I lived on the streets. I don’t want to be here. I was cut from my thoughts when a girl that looked 14 walked up to me. She sat on my bed and looked at me. I looked at her from the corner of my eye and then back to the ceiling. “What are you doing?” she asked me. I ignored her. “That’s a question you’re supposed to answer. This is a happy place you aren’t allowed to be grumpy.” She said. I rolled my eyes at her and tried going back to my own thoughts. “What do you want?” I asked her rudely. She looked at me and then spoke up. “I want to talk and get to know you.” She replied. “Well I don’t!” I snapped back. I waited for her to burst into tears or something. When she didn’t I waited for her to go away. She just sat there staring at me. “Go away.” I said simply. She didn’t listen, just sat there and looked at me. “You, sweetie, are a very persistent person. But, you aren’t going to win with me. I’m not giving in. I’m not talking.” I said to her while smiling sweetly yet fakes. She looked at me and smiled with a blank face. I looked at her and then lie back down. I huff at her and she just stays there. “Go Away!” I yell at her face to face. She runs down the stairs to who knows where. I really don’t care at least she is gone. I throw my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. The other girls look at me and I just walk past them like they aren’t even there. They go back to their things and I walk to the landing and down the hall. Someone comes over speakers and I see the 14 year old come up the stairs smiling. “Olivia Nicole Garbe please report to Miss Theresa’s office.” I look over to the girl and she waves at me. “Bitch.” I mutter to her. She looks at me shocked and then I give her the stupid little smile and wave back. I head down the stairs and about 10 minutes later I found Miss Theresa’s office. I knocked on the door slightly and pushed it open. “Ah yes Miss Garbe.” She says sweetly. She turned in her chair to look at me. “Don’t call me miss I don’t belong here. I can fend on my own.” I snap at her. “Oh yes, that’s why you’re here.” I perk up and think she is letting me go back to the boys. “You see we do not tolerate bad behavior here. You be happy and nice toward the others. Otherwise you get punished.” I look at her and roll my eyes. “Dear, you are not making things better for you doing this.” I cross my arms and turn around for the door. “I don’t think so!” she snaps and gets out of her chair. She is slightly taller than me and is very pretty. She has brown hair and bright white teeth. She grabs my arm, but I don’t flinch. I am pretty much over that and I’m not scared anymore. She turns me around so I am facing her. “Let go of me. Now!” I snap at her through clenched teeth. She shakes her head and lightly chuckles. “Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. Things don’t work like this around here. I am the boss you listen to me! You do not disobey. You listen and live with it. You are happy and nice and act at least as if you enjoy having a home.” She says angrily at me. “That’s the thing you don’t know. I was living on the streets for 4 or 5 years. I would be happy to go back to the streets. I was fine by myself. I met the best boys in the world and they helped me. You idiots take me from them and throw me in a stupid orphanage. I don’t need this. I want to go back to my friends. The people that I call family now!” I scream at her. By this time there is a crowd outside the door and angry tears running down my face. “You don’t get my life. I have been through so much and then you ruin it when it’s finally getting better. I hate this place and my life so much. But I bear with it. You guys tick me off so much and oh how I would love to end it, but I don’t because there are 4 boys waiting for me to come home. You know what I hate the most about this, you and these little things.” I scream pointing at the kids. I run out of the room and up to my room I throw myself onto the bed. I scream in anger and throw my pillow towards the window. I look out it and long to be free, with the boys in the house playing around. I watch the birds fly and then I realize something. There is a building right there out my window, and my window opens. Freedom here I come. I grab my bags and throw them over my shoulder. I open the window and throw my bags over to the other building. They land on the roof with a thud. I put my leg out the window and then I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. My heart starts beating faster. Oh no, not good heart don’t you dare stop. I pull my other leg through the window, but it won’t budge. I look back in the room and my shirt is stuck. I tug and tug but it doesn’t come loose. I hear the door open and pull frantically. I hear gasps and then some feet run down the stairs. “MISS THERESA SHE IS GETTING AWAY!!!!” I hear some girls yell. I yank on my shirt and it rips off. I throw myself onto the building across my window. I just make it and my leg is hanging off the side. I look back to the orphanage window to see the girls looking down. Miss Theresa soon joins them and she starts yelling at me to come back. As if I would ever do that. I throw my bags back over my shoulder and stand up. I head off towards the next building and crawl over onto it. I find a ladder and climb down it. I land on the street and I get some strange looks. I walk into a store and look around for a shirt since the one I am wearing is ripped. I find one and go to the cashier and buy it. I run into the bathrooms and throw it on. I rush out of the store as I am pushing my old shirt back in a bag. I sit on a bench and some thoughts rush through my mind. At the orphanage there was another half of the building that I never saw. It was probably the boy’s area. I then hear yelling. I look over to my left and see a person I never wanted to see again. Miss Theresa. I get up quickly and look around for a place to run. I hear her getting closer and then I see a bus. I quickly run to it, but I run into something. Miss Theresa is standing there looking down at me. How was she over there and then here in a second? I pushed that aside and tried to escape her grip. It didn’t work she has a pretty good death grip on me. I sigh and give up. “You really shouldn’t have done that. We always get escapees back.” She says darkly in my ear. We were getting some stares and most people went back to what they were doing. Miss Theresa led me down the streets back to the orphanage. Girls and boys were staring waiting for her to get back. How could they all just live here with no care and be happy with it? The girls cheered and I saw some older boys looking at me. They showed no care for me more of a look of want. I gave them wide eyes and some of them snickered. I was released by Miss Theresa and she looked at me with a death glare. I didn’t move thinking it was for the best. “Now we all know what happens to bad girls or boys. So let me explain to Miss Olivia what is going to happen and you will all listen.” What a witch, that’s probably why these kids stay here. They don’t want to have to put up with her dark side. I stand in the spot frozen and my heart thumping out of my chest. Miss Theresa spoke up once again. “So I know many of you may be thinking I’m going to give her meal duties, but there is a chance she could hurt you there so I have a better plan.  Cameron Dallas, Aaron Carpenter, and Kian Lawley come here please.” She said. Three boys stepped out of the crowd of boys. I look at them in shock. Two of them looked older than me and the other one looked a little younger than me. I’m good with guessing ages with looks. “As you might know Cameron is 20, Aaron is 16, and Kian is 19. You three will be looking after Miss Garbe and will keep her with you 24/7. This means that Miss Olivia will be in the boy’s area for the rest of her stay.” I gasped along with a few other girls. Most of the boys had smirks and snickered. What jerks? “I do not want to be with them!” I yelled from where I was. “Should’ve thought about that before you tried to escape.” She said evilly. I walked from where I was over to where she was standing. I was almost face to face with her and spoke up confidently once more. “Don’t you dare do this? I won’t let this happen. The boys are probably making a plan to get me right now!” I yelled in her face. I looked behind me to see the three boys snickering. “Shut up!” I screamed at them. “Take her away boys!” yelled Miss Theresa. I started to scream and tried to run away, but I ran into a very hard object. This object was one of the boys. I quickly scrambled onto my feet and ran the other direction. I ran into something else. Another boy, great. Next direction. I ran over to a wall and the boys came towards me. I ran towards the crowd of boys and tried to get through them. I got halfway through when two boys younger than me grabbed on to me. One grabbed my legs and the other one grabbed my arms. They picked me up and the one by my arms whispered into my ear. “It’s no use you are stuck with us hot stuff.” I started to thrash in their grip. They carried me over to my ‘guardians’. “Thank you Nash and Shawn.” Said Miss Theresa. I sighed and the three boys held onto me. “You can go to your room’s girls and boys.” The three boys held onto me tightly and led me up their stairs with the huge group of boys followed behind. The boys led me to their room. All the boys shared one room also. This is fantastic stuck with boys. All the boys came into the room and sat on their beds. They all looked at me and I huffed. I don’t like being stared at. “Look somewhere else than me!” I yelled at them. The laughed and one spoke up. “I’m Nash and we really don’t want to look at anything but you hot stuff.” So that was the stupid one that carried me and called me hot stuff earlier. I sighed and groaned and threw myself onto a nearby bed not caring whose it was. I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up. Kian was standing there looking at me. “What do you want?” I asked rudely. “My bed.” He said back. I huffed and rolled off the side of the bed. I heard more laughs. “Shut up! It’s not that funny!” I yelled at them all. They didn’t listen. “Come here.” I heard someone say. I didn’t listen and stayed on the floor. Someone soon came over and picked me up. “No matter what you want you are sleeping with me tonight.” They said. It was Cameron. I thrashed in his grip. I was not sleeping in the same bed as a boy. I soon realized it was no use. He was a boy and one year older than me. I wouldn’t win this fight he was much stronger than me. He carried me across the room to his bed and set me down. I just laid there still not caring. I hear rustling but just ignored it. Soon Cameron came back and lightly pushed me over and lay down in his bed. He pulled the covers over us and I felt skin. I turned around and looked at Cameron. He was only in his boxers. Way to make this awkward. I saw all the other boys stripping down to their boxers and crawling in bed. God these boys were all so hot, but boy were they jerks. I snuggled closer to Cameron and he chuckled. I got as close to him as I could and let out a deep breath. I felt safe with him and he is snuggly and warm. I like him. He wrapped his arms around me and I soon fell asleep. I liked this but I wanted to be back with the boys. Oh I hope they have a plan, but I want to take Cameron with me. Please Get Me Back.


Hi guys its Olivia here! I made this chappie extra long just for you. I know I said I gave you a hint last chappie for this chappie but I decided that will have to wait a little longer. I wanted more action in the story so I am putting that aside for now. Don't be mad, but see if you can figure out what is going to happen. Comment what you think and I might just give you a few more hints. I hope you like it. Spread the word and keep reading. Like, Comment, Vote, and Follow please and tell your friends. I love you my potatoessssssss!!!!!!!

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