"Fuck, you're tight," Harry groaned.

Draco moved his hips along with Harry's and it wasn't long until Harry was nearing his high. He thrust harder and stilled only as he filled Draco with his pleasure. Harry pulled out and slumped down next to Draco.

"Much better than talking," Draco panted, making Harry laugh.


For the next few hours, they laid in bed with their naked limbs intertwined as they caught up.

"I can't believe you rode a bloody dragon," Draco replied, running his fingers through Harry's hair.

"I can't believe you punched someone."

"The only thing unbelievable about that is that I only punched him the one time."

Harry smiled, tracing patterns on Draco's chest with his finger. "It's crazy what happened in only a little over a month."

"It felt longer than that."

"I'm sorry. I should have done more to find you—"

"Don't. I made my decision so that you could get away and I wouldn't change it. Besides," Draco kissed Harry's head. "It all worked out in the end."

"I can't believe it's over and that we've won. I honestly never pictured a future where I made it out alive."

"I told you I wouldn't let you die, Potter."

"I mean, technically, I was dead. At least a little."

"Doesn't count because you're alive now."

"I don't know about that."

"Shut up, I'm right."

Harry laughed. "Okay. It's because of you that I'm still here."

"Damn right, it is. I just want to be recognized for my good deeds. It's not easy to keep the boy who lived still living."

"Tell me about it," Harry smiled. "You've only been on the clock for a year. I've been on the clock for seventeen, nearly eighteen years."

"Must have been exhausted."

"Yes, everything's going to be strictly normal from now on."

Draco snorted. "I highly doubt that."

"Yeah. I guess I'm technically a father now."

"Excuse me?" Draco asked, shocked. "Did you get some girl pregnant in the month we were apart?"

"Merlin, no! I'm talking about Lupin and Tonks's son. I'm his godfather and now that they're gone...he's kind of my responsibility."

"Harry, you're seventeen. Are you really thinking about raising a child? Doesn't he have other family members?"

"He has a grandmother on Tonks' side. He's been staying with her."

"There you go. I'm sure the grandmother will raise him."

"Yeah, but I still want to be a part of his life. They made me Teddy's godfather for a reason. They trusted me and I want him to have all the things that I didn't. I would have done anything to move in with my godfather, Sirius but I never got the chance. I know I'm not like Sirius but—"

"I get it," Draco intertwined their fingers. "And I'll support you no matter what."

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