New Life

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John swished his fluffy tail against the ground as he looked up at the front hall of his new college. Where he would be spending the next four years. He was a fox, with sandy light brown fur and darker brown speckles down his back. His chest and the bottom of his face was masked in a snowy white. A swath of curly hair curled over his left eye and into a ponytail behind his ears. His face was dotted with small freckles.

He nervously padded into the building, duffle bag in hand and backpack slung over his shoulder. A young leopard was sitting at the desk, looking at her phone. At least, John assumed she was a leopard. Her fur was all kinds of colourful neon, and a light yellow bow with a bell was tied around her neck. She perked her ears as John walked in, putting her phone down on the desk.

"Howdy!" she stuck out her paw. "Names Peggy!"

John took her paw and shook it. "So uh, do you know where I go to find my dorm?"

"That'd be right here!" Peggy grinned. "I volunteered to help hand out dorm room keys and stuff. Helps me get to know all the new furs a little better. Speaking of which, you are?"

John realized he hadn't introduced himself. "John Laurens, pleasure to meet you."

Peggy grabbed a paper off the desk. "Ok," she meowed. "You're in 'A' hall in dorm number... 553, ooh and you get a roommate! Good luck with that."

John stopped in his tracks. A roommate? The thought terrified him. What if they were mean? What if they hosted all kinds of loud parties? What if they made fun of him for being afraid of the dark? John shuddered at the thought.

"Never had a roommate, huh?" Peggy asked at John's worried expression.

"Well, no." John flicked his ear as the door opened behind them. "I lived with my dad, but I've moved here, well, am staying here for college."

"You'll be fine, trust me." Peggy twitched her tail as if she had an idea. "Here." She scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to John. "text me sometime."
John blushed. "Oh uh, hey I'm kinda gay..."

Peggy rolled her eyes. "And I have a girlfriend. I wasn't asking you out, dumb-dumb."

"Oh, r-right." John took the slip of paper and stuck it in his pocket.

"Hey fox," a new voice butted in. "If you're done, get the hell out of the way. Other people have more important things to do."

John spun around to be met with a rather grouchy looking hyena. He was at least a foot taller than John, with black fur paired with lime green markings. He wore a leather jacket and had a spiked collar comfortably tight around his neck. All of this along with a number of piercings made him look like someone John would not want to mess with.

John quickly stepped aside and turned to head down the hall to find his dorm, leaving Peggy to deal with the yeen.

"Back for another year Jefferson? I assumed you'd've dropped out by now."

"Ha! You wish."


John walked down the hall, counting the numbers on doors until he arrived at number 553. He paused, resting a paw on the knob. What if his roommate was already inside and he scared him by just throwing the door open? John rapped lightly on the door. No response. He stuck his key in the door and turned the knob, swinging open the door to be met with...

Absolutely nothing. His roommate must not have arrived yet. John peered into both rooms. They were about the same size, but one featured a tealish greenish wall behind the bed that John decided he liked the look of, and he tossed his bag onto said bed. He strolled out to investigate the room. It contained a small two-person couch with a coffee table in front of it. A space for a tv, but no tv, and a small kitchen with a table, a fridge, and a microwave. Opening the cupboard revealed a toasted and coffee maker as well.

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