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"So... you and Lauren, huh?" 

It's about 7 pm and Elise and I are in her room talking. Brooke left at around 6:15, so now it's just Elise and I here. 

"Shut up," I giggle, shoving her a little bit. 

"OoooOOooOoh. Someone's blushing!" She squeals. I laugh and hide my face. 

"What. What are you talking about?" I say from my hands. She laughs and pulls them away from my face. 

"Don't be embarrassed! It's adorable!" She says. I laugh and nod. 

"Yeah, she is isn't she?" I say, sighing in an exaggerated dreamy way. Elise laughs and nods. 

"Yeah, you know who is really cute though?" She asks. I look at her with a confused look on my face. 


"Lisa!" My jaw drops. 

"Oh my God! Elise!" I laugh. She blushes and nods, laughing. I laugh then lean over to whisper to her. 

"She kinda is, isn't she?" Elise busts out laughing and lightly slaps me. 

"You have a girlfriend!" She yells. her parents aren't home right now, so we don't have to worry about them. Right at that moment, her brother, Grant, pokes his head in the door. He's gay too. 

"Who has a girlfriend?" He asks, surprised. I shyly raise my hand. He looks at me with a shocked look on his face. 

"Wow! You never struck me as gay, but good job!" I nod and Elise and I look at each other and laugh. "Anyways, I came in here to see if you guys wanted to come with me to Lake Burrito?" 

"YES!" Elise yells, jumping up. They both look at me so I shrug. 

"Sure," I say, getting up. 

"LAKE BURRITOOOOO!" Elise yells, running out of her room and to the garage. Grant looks at me with a 'wtf is wrong with her' look on his face and I snort and shrug. 

*               *               *

We get to Lake Burrito and all pile out of Grant's car. 

"Wow. That was, uh..." I try to search for the right word but Elise cuts me off. 

"Horrible. Grant, you can't drive. I'm driving home." I nod to her words. 

"Yeah, I hate to say it, but it was pretty bad. We almost killed like three people."

"Yeah, that's part of the fun," Grant says. Elise and I stop walking and turn and stare at him. 

"Kidding, chill." Elise and I look at each other and Elise rolls her eyes. I stifle a laugh and we walk into the restaurant. The order line is similar to Subway, so Elise goes first, then Grant, then me. Elise and Grant both order burritos, then they look at me. 

"For you?" The lady asks. I smile and shake my head. 

"No, thank you. I'll just get a drink," I respond. Elise looks at me with a questioning look on her face. I shrug and grab my cup. I hand the lady my 3 dollars then walk over to the soda machine and get Diet Coke. We all sit down and they start eating and I sip on my Coke. I see Elise and Grant exchange a look out of the corner of my eye. I pull out my phone and play Minecraft as they eat. Finally, Elise nudges me and I look up. 

"What? Sorry I was making a Minecraft house for Laur and I." I see Elise open her mouth with a look on her face, so I cut her off. 

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