Lauren and Lisa (Continued)

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*Warning: This is a really long chapter. I just couldn't find a place to split it into a second chapter without it being to short or too weird of timing.*

Lauren's pov

We all rush to where we set our things and grab them. We get our stuff mixed up, but that was inevitable. We can figure it our at the interview place. We take a quick check around to make sure we haven't left anything, then run back up the stairs and out the doors into the cold. Christina yells a quick thanks to the tech guys as the door closes, but it shuts before we hear their response. We all split off and sprint- and I mean full on sprint- to our respective cars and jump in. Lisa is in the driver's seat again, Alexandria is in the front, and I am in the back. We are all breathing heavy an burst out laughing as Lisa starts driving. 

"I can't... believe... we just... did that!" Alexandria wheezes. "Sorry... asthma." 

"I know! And we're gonna be on live television and it's gonna be your first time on TV and..." I trail off taking a deep breath. "I ran out of air." I finish and sit back, looking at what my stuff and folding it. I got all of my things except I got Lisa's makeup bag- we have the same one- and Christina's shirt. I see Alexandria doing the same with her and Lisa's stuff. She holds up a pair of socks from her pile and looks at us. 

"Any takers?" Lisa and I shake our heads. 

"Actually, those are Dani's. I've stolen them enough times to know." Alexandria laughs then sets them off to the side. 

"What about this?" Alexandria holds up a shirt and I raise my hand excitedly. 

"That's mine!" I snatch it from her and she laughs and I hug it. She is going through Lisa's stuff now so I hand her the makeup bag. She puts it in the pile as Lisa points to something and says something to her. She nods and grabs the makeup bag Lisa had and throws it at me. 

"Here. She says it's yours," Alexandria says. I nod and she looks back down. She comes across this undershirt that looks like one Dani has and holds it up. 

"Any- oh wait. These are mine. Whoops." We laugh and she sets them down in her pile. She turns back to Lisa's pile and holds up a skirt. 

"That's Kath's. Dani wears it sometimes, though, so it could be either one of theirs," I say. 

"It's Kathrine's today. I saw it come downstairs with her. Besides, Dani has got jeans with her, so it probably isn't hers." Alexandria nods and sets it with the "not-belonging-to-us" items then looks back up at us. 

"I love this. How you guys know who wears what clothing and who it belongs to but who also wears it. It's so sisterly. I wish I had someone to steal clothes from. Or at least a sister, you know?" I open my mouth but she cuts me off. "Of course you don't. You've got siblings. Ten of them, actually. Meanwhile, I'm lonely with a mom and a dad that I don't really love." She slaps her hands over her mouth and her eyes go wide as she realizes what she just said. 

"Alexandria-" Lisa starts. 

"please just forget about that. That whole rant, but especially the last part." 


"Drop it, Lise. Please?" Lisa sighs and nods. It is silent for a minute so I start talking. 

"So... are you excited to perform on live television?" I ask Alexandria. She sits up, startled, and looks at me. 


"Yeah, didn't Christina tell you? We're performing Made In America. Choreography and all." 

"No, she didn't tell me! Are you sure she meant all of us or just you guys?" Alexandria asks, slightly panicked. 

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