Alexandria, Christina, Lauren, Lisa

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(A/N: I would just like to clarify that whatever they are wearing in the pictures is not there outfit in the chapter. I am just doing my best to find the characters who are featured together so this one has got Dani. Thanks! Love y'all! -Amy <3) 

*Two weeks later* 

Alexandria's pov

Dear Maddie, 

I'm here. I am with my idols. I have performed, and rehearsed, and gone through so much with them. Now, finally, on March 2, 2015, I am going on tour! I have waited my whole like for this moment! Two weeks ago we did those other interviews and rocked them. Everyone loved us! At least that's what Christina and Lisa said. Right now it is about 11 o' clock at night but I just couldn't sleep. Tomorrow- almost today- is our last day here, so we are going to spend it out, doing fun things since we already have everything but what we need for today and tomorrow packed. Christina is going to wake us all up at about 8 or 8:30- hence the go to sleep now thing, and we are going to go to this amazing breakfast place that opens at 5. Then we are going to go to this cool "mall" thing and go thrifting and go get new clothes. We didn't plan past noon but I guess after that we are gonna get lunch then do... something? Maybe walk around town or something. Who knows! All I know is we are already packed and the tour bus- a REAL LIVE TOUR BUS- is going to pick us up SUPER early, not tomorrow, but the next day. Guess I better get used to it. 

Anyways, I just want to ask you one thing. Please come to our show! We are coming to Florida in May I think, but I will text you our schedule. Also, you may be wondering why i didn't just text you all this. Well, I don't know. I really don't. So back to the point, we are coming to where you live at a perfect time. I told Cimorelli about you and then they found a venue that is in your town! I actually think that it's only about 5 or 10 minutes from your apartment. Now you have NO EXCUSE to not come! Jk, jk! But it would mean so much to me if you were there, I haven't seen you in years. And one last surprise: we are going to be spending a week in your town! I convinced Christina and our tour manager to let us stay so we could hang out. I hope that's okay! I really miss you, Maddie. So anyways, see you in May- I think! I really hope you come! I will make sure you get this very VERY soon after I write it. Just text me whether you want to come or not when you get this, and I will- or won't- send you the details. I love you so much, Maddie, and miss you even more. I hope I've finally made you proud. I miss you! 

        Your favorite cousin (i wish lol) and the "younger sister you never got"

I look up to my door opening and see Lisa look in, then walk in. I fold up my paper and set it and my pencil then watch as Lisa gently shuts the door behind her and sits down on the bed next to me. 

"What's wrong?" She asks me. I look at her confused for a second, then realize I am crying. 

"Oh, well, I couldn't sleep, so I wrote a letter that I want to send to my cousin. The one in Florida. I told her about how far I've come and asked her to come to our show. I love her so much and miss her and just want to make her proud and-" I break off because I have started crying again. Lisa immediately wraps her arms around me and I just curl up and cry. After a few minutes of her holding me and letting me cry, I sit up. 

"What else? This is something more than your cousin, what is it?" I open my mouth, then remember how I feel after opening up and shut it. 

"Nothing, it's fine," I say, scooting back to my side of the bed. Lisa shakes her head and moves next to me. 

"Well, can I stay with you tonight? If not for you, for me?" Lisa asks me as I get under the covers. I immediately nod. 

"Of course!" She sighs and smiles and I smile too. She climbs under the covers and I turn off the light and snuggle next to her in the cold room, both of us asleep within minutes. 

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