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I open my eyes to a pitch-black room. As I rub the sleep from my eyes, I check my phone to see what time it is. I nearly gasp aloud when I see the time. 6:00 am! Why am I up so early? I lay in bed for a few more minutes trying to fall back asleep, but after about 5 minutes I get bored and decide to get dressed and go eat breakfast. 

I get out of bed and go into my closet very quietly so I don't wake Lisa up. I search through my clothes and decide to wear the black pants that I painted white dots onto with a wolf t-shirt. I brush my hair, put on a tiny bit of makeup, and leave the room. I hear laughter downstairs, and wonder who else is up at 6:30 in the morning other than Christina. I hear someone- that isn't Chris- laugh again, and recognize it as Alexandria. I wonder why she's up so early?  

I walk into the kitchen where Christina and Alexandria are talking. I don't know what about, but I guess it's funny. When I walk in they look at me and Alexandria jumps up. 

"I made breakfast for everyone! Scrambled eggs and waffles with blueberries," She says, grabbing a plate out of the fridge and handing it to me. "Heat it up for thirty seconds to a minute and you're good." 

"Aw, thank you!" I stick my plate in the microwave and hit the "30-second" button twice. "So I take it you guys already ate?" I ask. I only see one plate on the table in front of Christina, so maybe Alexandria already cleaned her plate or something? 

Christina gives Alexandria a "look" but Alexandria just cheerfully nods. I grab my plate out of the microwave and sit down with them at the table. I eat while Alexandria does something on her phone and Christina goes and puts her plate in the dishwasher. There aren't any plates in the dishwasher... What did Alexandria do? I've got a little thought in the back of my mind, but I'm just hoping it isn't true. We all sit in a comfortable silence for about 10 more minutes. 

"Well, this was way better than cereal!" I say, breaking the silence. Christina looks up at me and gives me a knowing smile and nods. "Thank you, Alexandria," I tell her. She smiles and stands up. 

"Thank you! And you're welcome," she says, "I'm gonna go get ready, if anyone else comes down here, can you give them their food? " 

"Yeah," Christina and I say at the same time. 

"Thanks," Alexandria says, then walks up the stairs. As soon as I hear her door close, I turn to Christina- who apparently senses me and puts her phone down.  

"Did she eat? She seemed kinda sad; like a fake happy. Is she okay? What-" 

"Amy!" She silences me. 

"Sorry, I'm just worried. If she's going through what I think she is..." I pause and shake my head. "Watching my older sister go through it and being helpless was hard enough. Now having to see my- basically- younger sister deal with it..." Christina's face softens at my words and she walks over and hugs me. 

"I know... being the older sister sucks. Especially when the younger ones are struggling and you can't help it." 

"I just-" I get cut off by the sound of Lisa's footsteps. (Yes, I know my family by how they walk.) Christina and I jump apart, which makes me kind of sad because I never bond with her, and start doing other things. 

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Lisa rushes over to me. 

"What, why?" 

"Your eyes are red and teary, and you were just hugging Christina like she was your lifeline." 

"Oh. Yeah, I'm good. We were just-" I look at Chris to make sure Lisa knows and she nods. "talking about Alexandria." Of course Lisa knows. I'm probably the only one who didn't. That's the only thing that gets me. I'm just the short, annoying, loud one. The always happy one. the one who doesn't matter. 

Tears well into my eyes, so I quickly sniff and turn to get Lisa's plate. When I turn around, they're staring at me with a shocked expression. 

"What? Is there something on my face or shirt or something?" 

"Is... is that how you really feel?" Christina asks me. 


"You said you feel like you don't matter..." Crap. I said all that out loud. 

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Lisa asks. 

"I don't know. It just didn't seem important." Lisa's eyes get teary and Christina gets a sad look on her face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." 

"Please come to us next time," Lisa says. 


"Please." It's silent for a moment. 

"Okay." We all group hug and burst into tears. We all cry together for a bit, then Christina straightens herself out and gets serious. 

"We're all having a talk. The day we record- which is coming up- we are going to come home and tell each other everything; no more secrets." She says. Lisa and I nod, then I hand Lisa her breakfast. 

"You made this?" She asks. I laugh. 

"I wish! No, Alexandria did." Lisa nods in approval then starts eating. Christina gets her stuff and puts her coat on. 

"Don't forget that you and Dani have your bonding time with Alexandria today. This is gonna sound really bad, but trade her off towards noon. I'm off to meet with Acaia about a photoshoot with Alexandria." Then she walks out the door. I walk into the living room to wait on Alexandria and watch some t.v., but I just end up thinking about Alexandria and her situation. I hope we can help her.   

A/n: AHHHHHHHHIMSOSORRYFORNOTUPDATING!!!!! It's been super hectic lately with all these auditions! Good news is, I made it through the first round of All-State. And tomorrow I find out what I got in a play and if a got a chorus solo. Plus I've got ANOTHER solo audition next Tuesday. I've also become aware of the fact that I have a TON of new readers. SO WELCOME!!!!!! ALSO! There is a youtube channel that all of you should go check out. Ther name is Kerchoo Korner and tbh their kind of like Cimorelli Lite. They have one video up- their intro- but plan on doing challenges, covers, etc. Plus the editing is funny. THX FOR READING!!!! Luv y'all!!!!!!! -Amy <3

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