Chap 2

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Whenever you hear about people who never go to any parties or never go out to eat, you assume that those people are socially isolated and they have no interest in the public whatsoever.
But this isn't true. My family goes back as far as the Shats, and the reason why we don't talk to anyone is sometimes misunderstood.
Way back when Taylor was around, we were.... betrayed. Betrayed in a way. Back then the land we live in had just been bought by Taylor, and she intended to create land plots for every citizen that came around. Of course the land was proportionate to the family size, but most people were still happy with the chunk they got.
The Lane's were different. Even before Taylor bought up the land, us two families held a grudge against each other because of something that happened long ago. We don't actually know what happened, which is weird, but both sides know that we should hate each other.
It sounds weird like this, but imagine if all your ancestors held a grudge against another family line. It's pretty much natural to hate them, even if you don't have an actually reason to hate them.
Some people tried to figure out what happened, but that ended up in people saying that those people "weren't loyal to their side", as in their side of the family. They ended up being branded "traitors" and were basically ignored by everyone for the rest of their life. This practice was ended quickly.
The reason why we Lane's are so introverted was because we decided to stay quiet about what happened, and just give them the silent treatment. The Shats were sort of snobby and extroverted in their DNA, considering all of them descending from Taylor and basically being spoiled all their life. They decided to live on with the grudge while ignoring us completely. We were still allowed to live on The Shore, but the Shats single handedly lowered our popularity.
This annoyed us even more, but by then retaliating would just cause more do a problem.
You could see why it was a teensy little problem when I started to make friend with them.

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