Hae-Jin died when Chaeyoung was eight and her mother never recovered from it. He died from a heroine overdose and Chaeyoung had found him one morning while getting ready for school.

Chaeyoung and her dad never had a good relationship. She didn't know a single thing about him. Even though they lived together she hardly spoke to him, he acted like she wasn't even there most of the time.

"Mr. Park thank you for joining us for our last ten minutes of class. I'm sure you have a pass."

The energy in the classroom shifted as everyone looked at who walked in. Sudden murmurs of gossip floated around the classroom.

Chaeyoung looked up to see Park Chanyeol.

Despite their best friends dating, Chaeyoung and Chanyeol never talked. Whenever either would hang out with Jongin and Jennie the other would never be there.

Chaeyoung had heard through school gossip that Chanyeol, who had been dating Mina for a while now, had broken up a few weeks ago. She wondered if he knew Mina had been dating Jaehyun this whole time.

His entire demeanor today was different. The charming boyish grin that he always wore was gone, his face being taken over by a stern look.

Chanyeol dug in his back pocket before setting a piece of paper on the teachers desk. He quickly scanned the room for an empty seat before taking a seat next to Chaeyoung in the back corner of the classroom.

That only caused the classroom to engulf in more whispers and murmured conversation. Chaeyoung straightened up, instantly feeling uncomfortable.

Chaeyoung hated having the attention on her. She got use to the looks and side comments from people who thought Jaehyun and her was a weird pairing, but having the entire school talking and staring at her did no good for her anxiety.

She played with a ring on her pointer finger to ease her mind.

"Your semester end project will be on love and the different variations of it will be the main focus. There will be sixteen pairs of two which mean four groups will have the same topic but the theme will be showcased differently in each book. You and your partner will write a paper on your findings from the book assigned to your group."

The bell rang cutting Mrs. Lee. "That's all for today. Next week we'll go further into depth and pick partners."

     Chanyeol was on the field practicing with Sehun and Jongin.

"I don't want to be the asshole to say I told you so but," Sehun trailed off tossing the ball to Chanyeol.

"Fuck off Hun," Jongin said.

Chanyeol didn't say anything. Whenever he was in a bad mood he tend to keep completely quiet.

"I'm just saying," Sehun shrugged. "We're young and in high school after all, the perfect girl doesn't exist right now."

"That's a lie Jennie does," Jongin said with a grin.

Sehun rolled his eyes before throwing the ball to Jongin.

"Are you gonna be a mute?" Sehun asked Chanyeol.

Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders, "What do you want me to say?"

"That you want to get revenge or crash a party and get shitfaced." Sehun said in a duh tone.

"Forget option number one I like option number two way better," Sehun said quickly. "Taemin was telling me about this college party on Friday we can check it out."

"I don't know if I'm up for that this weekend." Chanyeol said dropping the ball to the floor.

Sehun let out a dramatic groan. "One hour, if it doesn't help we can leave early and hear you whine about Mina all night long."

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