Chapter 5 - Treatment + the ending

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Caveira: I guess that makes us a couple.

time skip to next day

Caveira: I wake up and get dressed and check my watch. 7am it reads and I head over to the hospital. Y/N is already away when I get there and sitting on the edge of his bed about to get up. He looks up and says good morning. Hey good morning babe. How did you sleep?

Y/N: I-I-I slept g-g-good I say blushing after remembering what happened. Just w-w-wondering why d-d-do you c-c-call me b-b-babe? 

Caveira: Because were dating. He looks at me trying to remember when we said we were dating and I say. Well we both have confessed our love to each other and after last night I think were considered a couple. He nods and stands up hesitantly. His arms are out wide like a kid on a balance beam. Hey you ok? Need any help?

Y/N: N-n-no i t-t-think im g-g-good right n-n-now. I m-m-might need s-s-some help g-g-getting back t-t-to the r-r-room.

Caveira: He says this and I move closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. Ok just tell me when you need help ok? He nods and we start walking out of the hospital room and to my room. He does surprisingly well for some one who was just shot. He only needed my help once when he tripped. It was quite funny. I caught him in a way that his face went into my t*ts. His face was priceless! I dont even know how to describe the shade of red he turned. But when we get to the room he walks over to the bed and collapses. I rush over to him worried but he waves me off.

Y/N: I-I-Im fine. J-J-Just tiered. I lay there or a minute or two and then get up and walk to were my cloths were. There no were to be found and ask Caveira. H-H-Hey Cav d-d-do you k-k-know were m-m-my cloths a-a-are?

Caveira: Ya I put them away with mine. I couldnt stand the way they looked in your suitcase in the corner. Oh and by the way nice army rolls on your cloths. (army/marine/ect roll is when you roll your cloths so they take up less space and have a fold in them so they wont come unrolled) He thanks me with a blush and walks over and finds some cloths. He walks over to the bed to sit down and put them on but when he trys to take off his hospital robe he winces. I walk over to him and ask. Whats wrong?

Y/N: I-I-It hurts t-t-to reach a-a-around my b-b-body

Caveira: All right let me help you with that. I get behind him and undo the knots that hold it in place and take it off of him. He then just sits there in his underwear on the bed embarrassed. I chuckle and help him slip on a shirt. I grab his clean underwear and hold them up. Time for the fun part.

Y/N: I-I-I can d-d-do that m-m-myself.

Caveira: You just said it hurt to move so im gonna help you with this too. And besides whats the big deal? Ive already seen what youre packing any ways. He blushes at this but doesnt try to fight it. I walk over and pull his underwear down and pull them off and toss them with my dirty cloth hopper. I grab his clean ones and slip his legs through the holes and pull them up. There you go. Was that so hard I ask groping big friend. He squirms and I let go. Now its time for your pants. I slip on his sweat pants with out problem and put his shoes on. All right now lets go get some breakfast. I bet a few operators will be surprised that you are up and about. 

Y/N: Caveira helps me up and we start walking to the cafeteria. We run into Doc who was walking to Caveira's room. H-H-Hey Doc I say waving.

Doc: There you are I say exasperated. Your up!? If your going to be up and walking you should at least be using crutches.

Caveira: Thats what im for Doc. Dont worry ill take good care of him I say as I scoop him up in my arms like a kid (like an arm under his legs and one under his back). I plant a kiss on his forehead and keep walking despite Y/N's protests to put him down. I walk with him in my arms until we reach the cafeteria and then let him down. We then grab some food and sit down. Like usual Sledge is the first operator to sit with us.

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