Chapter 4 - Hospital

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Caveira: He'll be back and every thing will be back to normal I think right before I fall asleep.

the next morning

Caveira: I wake up and immediately check my phone to see if doc has texted me about Y/N. Nothing so far so I guess thats good news. I get up and get dressed and go check on Y/N. When I get there doc is checking his vitals while he sleeps. Hey doc how is he?

Doc: He seems to be doing just fine so far. I think he will make a full recovery.

Caveira: Thats good news I say with a sigh. Im going to go to breakfast do you want anything? He shakes his head and I walk out. I get to breakfast and get my food. I sit down with Valkyrie then Sledge, Jaeger, Frost, and IQ come and sit down with us.

Sledge: I assume you went and checked on him this morning right? So how is he doing?

Caveira: Hes doing good. Doc said he should make a full recovery. I hear the other operators give a sigh of relief. Y/N had a talent for getting us to bond together. I think the only one who doesnt like him is Lion. We talk about the usual stuff trying to keep our mind off of him and when breakfast ends we head out to training with Ash. We all get there and start training. This helps me get my mind off of Y/N. But in the middle of sparing with wood staffs I feel my phone vibrate.  I immediately check it and see its from Doc. I drop my staff and every thing then run out of the training grounds as fast as I can to the medical area. When I reach it I see a rush of personnel flowing in and out of Y/N's room. Whats going on I say when I see Doc.

Doc: His condition took a turn for the worst. We missed a small fragment of the bullet that most likely broke off in the kevlar but still went through into him. Were going into emergency surgery to try to stabilize him. I see Y/N being wheeled into the operating room and snap on my gloves and pull up my mask and head in after them. I stop right before I get in and turn to Caveira. You cant go in but there is a viewing room over there.

Caveira: He points to the viewing room and I nod. I walk into the viewing room and grab a chair praying for Y/N. I see Doc take out a scalpel and start cutting Y/N open. I unconsciously grind my teeth concerned for Y/N.

time skip 10 minutes

Caveira: I am still watching the operation when the viewing area's door opens. Sledge, Hibana, and others come in and sit by me. 

Hibana: What happened? I thought he was stable. 

Caveira: They missed a small bit of metal that broke off of the bullet. There working on him now. Right when I say that I see Doc walk out with a pair of tweezers in his hand holding a small piece of metal. 

Doc: This is the piece of metal that caused this. My assistants are putting Y/N all back together so he should be fine in a few minutes.

Caveira: I am cheering so much in my head right now. I see the doctors finish and wheel him back to his room and I follow. They close the door for a second as they finish up what ever they have to do.

inside the room

Y/N: I wake up right as I get back to the room and Doc notices. He closes the door so we could talk. Hey doc what happened?

Doc: There was a stray piece of bullet in you that we didnt catch. It threatened your life but we got it out and put you back together.

Y/N: Oh ok thanks Doc. He nods and I say. This might be a strange request but do you think I could have the bullet you took out of me? He asks why because he is sane after all. I would like to turn it into something like a pendant for a necklace or something. He nods and gives me it in a baggie. Thanks Doc. Could you keep this quiet though. He nods again and I thank him. He asks an I ready for guests and I nod. He opens the door and the first one in was Caveira. I guess there wasnt any doubt about who would come in first. She runs over to me and starts scolding me with a cute concerned look on her face. H-h-hey Caveira i-i-im fine d-d-dont worry I say with a small smile.

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