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the night slowly crept over the streets of Paris, the couffaine family were eating dinner with their new guest adrein agreste. "mm ms.coufaine your cooking is wonderful, and it feels so good to have a family dinner after so many years of eating alone" Anarka looks over at adrein who is sitting next to luka across from juleka "honey just call me anarka, and you are very welcome I love to host" soon after their little chit chat they finish dinner and start blowing the air mattress for adrein (he's sleeping in luka's room obviously) after everything is set up anarka and juleka go to their rooms. luka sits on his bed patting the side beside him "don't be shy, you can sit on my bed I mean you're going to stay here for awhile so get comfy and feel at home" adrein blushes "okay and again thank you all for letting me stay" luka smirks and pulls adrein onto the bed "you don't need to say thank you so much, we understand how grateful you already are" laughing they lay down and then luka sits up and grabs his guitar "any request?" adrein thinks for a minute before saying "can you sing 'its you by Ali Gatie'?" luka smiles "of course prince" and he starts strumming and singing.

Adriens POV

wow luka is so talented, he makes the song feel 10000000 times more romantic while luka is singing I look over his features, soft fluffy blue black hair, eyes like an ocean always drawing me into a trance, his lips which I wish I could just-luka looks right into my eyes and sings "if im ever gonna fall in love I know it's gon' be you" I feel my face getting hot and I feel butterfly's in my stomach. I see luka glance down at my lips and I glance down at his also, he slowly leans towards me and I lean forward, are faces mere inches apart when someone knocks on the door. we jump back and luka sets down the guitar and goes to open the door as I sit thinking over the events that just happened, I look over at the door and luka is talking with someone the door just bearly open that I cant see the other person. something in me says that something bad is happening so I walk over to luka and say "is something going on?" I look at luka concerned and hear a deep male voice say "luka who the hell is in your room, is it that guy that's all over the news?" luka looks almost scared "what guy?" I hear from the other side a deep sigh "the agreste kid or some shit I don't know" luka shakes his head "no no he's not here" and with his other hand he starts pushing me back in the direction of the bed. they continue talking about something but I cant make out what the conversations about but Lukas expressions are giving me a hint its not good. luka then goes to close the door but a foot stops it and I hear the mystery male say "aren't you gonna let me in?" and the door swings open almost falling off its hinges from the force. then a tall and muscular guy around Lukas age walks into the room, I was already on the air mattress to make things look less suspicious but the dude was really scary. I cant believe luka knows someone this scary the guy looks at me with squinted eyes "wait aren't you that agreste kid from the news?" I feel myself slightly shake "I-I am and im n-not a k-kid" I tried to sound brave but I still let out a small squeak the guy laughs "how old are you then?" I feel better from his more friendly demeanor "Im 16" he looks at me and smiles "its nice to meet you, I'm sorry if I scared you I have that look, I'm ashton and im 18" older guy, I wonder if he and luka dated before? "oh before you ask I am only Lukas friend! but im a proud supporter" I smile "oh cool! well my names Adrein its great to meet you" I get up and go for a handshake but instead get pulled into a hug "im sorry to hear about your situation but if you get sick of living with this dummy you can come live with me I have an extra room in my apartment" I gasp "really, that sounds great!" luka smiles while ashton wraps his arm around my shoulder "great a new roomy! and don't worry you can move in whenever you want and ill help ya move and don't be afraid to ask for cuddles" we all laugh and ashton decides to also stay the night at Lukas, he'll be sleeping on the air mattress and I will sleep with luka on his bed. ashton grabs the xbox controller and starts playing call of duty as me and luka are watching, luka then wraps his arm around my waist and continues to watch ashton. I smile then lean my head on his shoulder once I did that luka sets his head on mine, ashton looks back at us and smiles "you guys better not suck faces once I fall asleep" luka just laughs and I look away with a blush. after a few rounds of playing we go to kitchen to get snacks and we go to the deck with a few blankets and pillows, we set them down on the ground and lay there looking at the stars. the wind slightly blowing making our hair floosh.

Lukas POV

we all were looking at the stars, I can tell ashton really likes Adrein already and im so happy. I hear small snores coming from my left and I look over to see Adrein asleep I chuckle he is so cute, I will make you my prince someday I nudge ashton and point towards adrien "the prince fell asleep" in a hush we look at him in awe for how adorable he is. I get up and pick up my sleeping prince as ashton grabs our blankets and pillows, we get back to my room and I lay Adrein down on my bed. I lay behind him and wrap my arms around his waist spooning him, he stirs in his sleep and turns to face me and nuzzles his face into my chest. ashton whispers "awe you two are so cute, wanna watch some movies? or our show?" we both look at each other already knowing the answer "show" we say at the same time. ashton grabs the remote and starts playing the chilling adventures of sabrina, as we were watching I look back down to Adrien and he has a small smile on his face. I give a small peck to his forehead and then his right cheek then go back to watching the show, a part got ashton really mad and he yelled out "WHY!" i feel Adrien start to wake up "shh ashton! you are gonna wake up Adrien" I whisper yell to him and I start to rock me and Adrien so he goes back into a deep slumber, maybe even a deeper sleep. soon Adrien seems back into slumber land "you are so lucky he didn't wake up or i would have killed you" ashton looks back at me "okay mr.toughguy i would like to see you try" we laugh and he unpauses the show.

Ashtons POV

while me and luka were watching the show i glance up every so often to see luka and aidren cuddling they really do make a good pair, not just good, perfect. I look back and see luka playing with adriens hair "say luka you really like the kid huh" luka looks down at me, he thinks for a bit "yeah he is really great, i kinda ruined his first date with a girl named marinette and i felt awful but he actually was okay with it, marinette though was super duper mad and i don't blame her its obvious she loves Adrien" i look at him shocked and turn my whole body to face him "what! really, i feel bad for the girl" luka sighs "yeah Adrein really let the real him shine that day, no fake smiles to hide his hurt, no lying just all the truth he has hidden came out, and he came out to me but not voluntarily to the world, he's so brave" luka looks at Adrien lovingly. man it sounds like the kid has had a really tough life "didn't you mention yesterday about his dad and family being very unaccepting of the lgbtq+ community?" luka nods solemnly "yeah that's why he's staying here, he got kicked out after the news got out and i picked him up, he was a mess and his dads such a douchebag, i mean for Christ sake he slapped him two times!" i sigh deeply "god im so glad you were here for him things could have gotten really ugly, you really are a hero luka" and luka smiles "yeah im glad too" I turn back to the tv and we continue watching the rest of the show which took all night and we finished everything at 9 am (they started the show at like 12 or 1 in the morning) we hear a small yawn and luka chuckles "good morning sleeping beauty" Adrein yawns again "good morning guys, how did you sleep?" we glance at each other "aha well you see" Adrein looks at luka confused "wait did you guys stay up all night!" we look down guiltily and Adrien sighs "guyyys that's not healthy! you cant be doing that" "we know, we're sorry" we apologize and Adrein rubs his forehead "its fine but i cant believe im more responsible then a 17 and 18 year old" we laugh "hey want to go get some breakfast? ill pay" they look at each other then back to me "yeah sure!" "im starving" we look at luka and he seemed confused "what did i say something?" we all laugh and get ready to go outside. we were walking away from the docks and i lead them to my favorite place IHOP once its sight i hear luka say "hell yes! i love IHOP" i laugh "amen brother" Adrien looks at us confused "whats ihope?" i gasp "you don't know what ihop is!" he shakes his head luka sighs disappointed "its only the best freaking breakfast restaurant in the world!" "they have the best pancakes" i back him up and Adrein nods "oh nino talked about it, i always eat my meals at home or from home so i haven't really been to many restaurants" luka grabs his arm "well good sir we are gonna show you the way of the junk food religion" we laugh and hurriedly run to the restaurant. A waitress takes us to a booth in the back as i requested. Adrein sits with luka as i have a side to myself, "okay Adrein you will get the chocolate chip pancakes they are pretty simple but so good and the chocolate is super gooey" we order and wait for our food, i can hear some whispers and people staring "hey, hi we came out to get a nice breakfast so if you could please shut up and leave us alone that would be real great!" and the people stop talking and looking, luka starts laughing while Adrien looks at me shocked "wow ashton how did you do that without being scared!" i chuckle "my intimidation is just an illusion im a good guy but i get pissed if people mess with my friends" he smiles "thanks your super cool!" i smile "no problem kid" finally our food arrives at our table and we wait for adrien's reaction "heaven right?" i say he looks at us and nods with a now mouth full of chocolate chip pancakes we laugh and continue with our nice little breakfast.

Adrien x luka x oc <3 [completed] [short story]Where stories live. Discover now