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The next morning the boys woke up and Lukas mom was back home, she was in the kitchen making coffee. " good morning boys, how was your home alone time?" Luka grabs two mugs and kisses his mothers cheek " It was great, we became a couple" Luka's mom almost drops her cup and is jumbling her words "wha-what oh my god, when! how did you ask! who asked who first? did you say i love you?" Luka laughs as Adrien takes the mug and sips it looking away embarrassed "I asked Adrien and Adrien said he loved me first, i asked him at our kitty section concert." Mirjam looks between us silent and then she squeals so loud i swear all of Europe could hear it, she wraps me and Luka into a deathly tight hug and then jumps up and down " OH MY GOD! IM SO HAPPY WE NEED TO HAVE A PARTY OR SPECIAL DINNER" "dinner would be just fine Mirjam" Luka nods as Mirjam lets go "okay boys well i have to go to the studio me and the guys are working on a new album, have fun~" 

Luka and i sit down at the couch and watch TV while eating chocolate croissant's. A powerful knock came from the door, Luka goes to the door and i stay sitting on the couch. Ashtons voice echos from the door, i get up and ran over to the door excited by the visit of my friend. 

"Ashton hiii!" ashton chuckles " why hello my prince, how are you?" "i'm great so what brings you here" Ashton sighs and looks down "I wasn't feeling really good and i didn't want to be all alone in my apartment" I frown. "that's no good, want to come inside and talk" Luka ask and ashton nods. we grab his hands and drag him to the couch, I get him a cup of coffee and sit by his right and Luka is at his left. Ashton tells us about how his girlfriend broke up with him bc she apparently found someone who is better. I could feel my blood boil, i looked over at Luka and he looks really mad. "I told you from the start that girl was bad news! i just wish you had listened to me man" Ashton starts to cry "i know i was dumb and in love but i learned my lesson" "Ashton noo please don't cry" i hug him and Ashton starts to cry even more " i feel like i just waisted 2 years of my life dating her, god i'm such an idiot!" 

Ashton starts bawling in my chest, i never pictured myself in this situation ashton always seemed to be so unbothered and it hurts me to see him this way, i cant imagine how luka feels either. They have been friends since middle school, it must be painful for luka to see ashton this way. Luka leans over and wraps his long arms around ashton too, shushing him and rubbing his back. We stayed that way for about 45 minutes and i slowly couldn't feel my arms but i never let go. We were all rocking back and forth till ashton sat up causing me and luka to let go and our arms fall back to our sides. "i'm sorry i feel so embarrassed now" i laugh "thats okay ashton, we are all friends so no need to be embarrassed" "heh friends right.." ashton has this far off look, Luka noticed to "whats on your mind?" " a lot obviously my girlfriend broke up with me like an hour ago" Luka shakes his head "no there is something else going on with that brain of your's, seriously what else is up?"

I could see ashton's muscles tense up he avoided my look okay something is seriously wrong with him "ashton" i grab his arm, when my fingers reach his shirt he flinches and stands up "I'm sorry i shouldn't have come here, this was a mistake" 

he grabs his jacket and starts bolts for the front door "thanks but ive got to go somewhere" before either me or luka could say anything, ashton slams the door leaving us on the couch confused. 


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter i did have school but im really glad to be back i was really un-motivated so yeah! i hope you like and ily guys thank you for reading <3

Adrien x luka x oc &lt;3 [completed] [short story]Where stories live. Discover now