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Luka POV

groupchat : dumb hoes

Luka: hey everyone want to go to the amusement park today?

Nino: me and guys will join!

Ayla: me and the girls are coming! :))

Luka: alright meet you guys in 30?

Ayla: see ya there!!

Nino: see you dudes


"adrein everyones going, we're going to meet in 30 minutes so lets get ready" "yayy! can I pick out your outfit?" I shrug "why not just don't take to long" and Adrien rushes into the closet (adrein already put clothes in Lukas closet) he comes back wearing his and throws the outfit he picked for me
Adriens outfit

"adrein everyones going, we're going to meet in 30 minutes so lets get ready" "yayy! can I pick out your outfit?" I shrug "why not just don't take to long" and Adrien rushes into the closet (adrein already put clothes in Lukas closet)  he comes ba...

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Lukas outfit

I get dressed and we go out of the house I lock the door, we get on the motorcycle and drive to the amusement park, we get there and take off our helmets walking up to the gates of the park

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I get dressed and we go out of the house I lock the door, we get on the motorcycle and drive to the amusement park, we get there and take off our helmets walking up to the gates of the park. our friends wave us over and marinette is here this might be awkward I feel a hand grab my arm and I look over to see Adrien smiling, I smile back and continue walking to our friends. nino comes over and high fives Adrien "hey guys! so question have you made it official yet?" I see Adrien blush and I chuckle "no not yet we are gonna take things slow" nino nods then we all pay for our tickets, me paying for adriens because im a gentleman. we get into the park and get on lots of rides, adrein looked sorta sick "hey adrein you feeling okay?" he looks at me "im a little dizzy" I smile "oh you must have ridden to many rides, want to get a drink and some food, it might help you feel better" he nods and I tell everyone to go ahead and ride the one they wanted, me and adrein were about to go find a food stand when marinette called out "hey! umm could I join you guys? im not feeling well either" she looks to the ground and Adrien looks up at me, its almost like hes telepathically asking if its okay "of course you can" I see her smile lightly and we all get a bit of food and our drinks, as we were sitting everything was silent. I cough and look at marinette "I like your sun dress, you look great in it!" she looks down at it and I see a small blush cross her cheeks "thanks luka, you guys both look great today" I chuckle "yeah Adrien forced me into wearing the outfit he made for me" Adrien glares at me "I so did not, I asked you and you said yes!" I laugh and so does marinette "its just in his genes his dad is a fashion designer" our laughter comes to a stop and I hear marinette sigh "i'm sorry for how I acted long ago, I just was super mad because I finally had a chance to be with Adrien but the way you looked at each other I could tell he wasn't made for me, he was made for you, you guys make a really sweet couple and I cant believe you're still nice to me" we smile at her "its okay marinette, friends?" Adrien ask and marinette nods and we all hug "awe what did we miss?" I hear alya say behind us, we let go of marinette and I sigh "nothing special but hey how about we all go back to mine and juleka's house for a preview of Kitty Sections new songs" everyone cheers a "yeah!" and we go back to the house.

Adriens POV

we get back to Lukas house, he and the band prep for the small concert they were going to perform. they get on the makeshift stage and I hum along to their older songs. they stopped playing and luka grabs his mic "this song I wrote is about a certain someone who managed to make his way into my heart, im very happy about it by the way no regret or disappointment here" everyone laughs and looks at me while im trying to cover my face with my hands because of the blush creeping its way to my face.  (imagine boyfriend by Justin Bieber is written by them lmao) they finish singing and luka looks down at me "so what do you say, want to be my boyfriend?" i gasp "luka are you sure?" "Adrien i have never been so sure in my entire life then right now, you are the one i want to be with, i can feel it in ever molecule in my body that we were meant to be" i could feel tears sting my eyes i have never felt so wanted, i felt this comforting warmth surround me, the overwhelming feeling of joy, excitement, comfort, and especially love and i knew that this journey im going to take with luka will be the best thing i will experience in my whole life. i look at luka tears threatening to spill, "luka" he looked concerned and anxious like i was going to say something he wouldn't like "i love you so much, i would be so honored to date you" he looks taken aback and then smiles and we run into each others arms, never wanting to let go. i pull my face away from his neck then grab his face kissing his lips passionately while i hear are friends whoops and cheers of celebration, i pull away and luka attacks my face with millions of kisses. we all continue having a good time, luka had his arm resting on my waist the whole time and when i asked why he was not letting go he simply stated "i never want to let go of you, you're sorta like an extra rare pokemon, everyone wants to catch you and when someone does they never want to lose you or trade you because you're to incredible" i laugh and say "wow i got compared to a pokemon, feels great babe thanks" he pouts "princee don't be that way i was trying to be romantic, you totally just killed the mood" i laugh at him more "you're so adorable you know that?" he ruffles my hair "well you are even more adorable baby~~~" he almost purrs in my ear i giggle and we spend the rest of the day with our friends, ashton came to hangout and congratulate us on becoming official. once he left me and luka were so tired from the exciting day, we snuggled up on his bed and he played with my hair whispering at least a thousand times "i love you" i smile up at him and say "i love you too luka, now lets get some sleep"

once they both felt the sleepiness take over both were thinking the same thing

im going to stay with you forever and always, i love you



okay and the short story is done, i originally wanted to make this a full on story but i don't think i have the patience or amount of dedication enough so short story it was! haha anywayss i hope you liked this small ass story and go check out other peoples work i bet there is tons better then this one so have fun and keep reading and thank you so much for reading this story! i appreciate you all :) <33

Adrien x luka x oc &lt;3 [completed] [short story]Where stories live. Discover now