12: When Special Occasions Call

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"So, come on." Ryan asked once the waiter had gone to help someone else, "What is it, sweetheart?"

"Well," Frank took a bite of his olive and pepper pizza, he chewed on it slowly, reveling in the taste. He swallowed the bite and looked at Ryan with a wide smile, "I got a phone call at work today. It was from Congressman Way."

"Oh yeah?" Ryan urged as he cut into his steak and took the bite from his fork, "What did he want? Did he say anything about the article?"

Frank nodded, "Yeah, he said it was fantastic, dude."

"That's brilliant!" Ryan beamed at Frank, cutting up his potato, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks," Frank blushed, "And, he wanted to see me again. So, I met up with him on my lunch break... And..." Frank didn't understand why he was so nervous about telling Ryan what had transpired at lunch. He had been so excited all evening and now that it was actually happening, he was suddenly nervous.


"We had lunch," Frank started again and sucked in a breath before he decided to just go for it, "And he said that he wants me to come and work for him."

Ryan didn't say anything and sat silent and frozen with his hand halfway to his mouth, fork laden with another piece of steak. Clearly Frank's news was not what Ryan had expected at all, "He wants you to work for him?" Ryan repeated as he blinked, clearly taking in the news when he set his cutlery down on his plate.

"Yeah." Frank nodded, a grin bursting onto his lips when he noticed how there was a smile pulling on Ryan's face after the admittance. Frank took it as a good sign and Ryan would be taking the news well.

"That's..." Ryan trailed off, his mind seemed to be working overtime and it showed on his face, "Frank, that's amazing!"

"I know, right?" Frank beamed with genuine surprise as Ryan leaned across the table to kiss him and tell him how proud he was of his boyfriend. Frank blushed a rosy pink in his cheeks, surprised by the random display of public affection. Ryan wasn't usually the one who would be up for kissing in front of people, especially in a restaurant, but Ryan seemed elated. Frank set his pizza slice down, "I honestly didn't believe him at first, but he told me that I have a lot of things that he's looking for with the position."

"So, what would he want you doing for him?" Ryan asked as he continued to eat.

"He wants me to be his assistant, I guess. That's all he said." Frank explained briefly before noticing the frown that sprung up on Ryan's face, "What?"

"But I thought Brendon was his assistant?" Ryan queried, "He's the one who set up the interview in the first place. Did he get a promotion or something?"

"Nope, he got fired. Apparently he's not the ideal person for the role and all that. I didn't pry."

"Oh, wow," Ryan's eyes widened as he took in another bite of food, "So, you're the new assistant? That'd be amazing."

"I haven't told him that I want the job yet," Frank admitted and he saw Ryan's mental cogs working. The pros and cons of not only taking the job but if he turned it down, too.

"I see."

Frank honestly didn't know if he was going to take the job or not. He just wanted to tell Ryan and gauge the reaction over it. He wanted to test the water before they could discuss if it was worth him taking the job or not, "He's giving me until Monday to think about it all."

"But he wants you?"

"He wants me." Frank nodded. How could Frank say 'no' to a job opportunity like this? Quite easily actually; Frank already had a job. He had been working for Ryan's family for so long that the idea of going for another job felt wrong. As though he was cheating in a way, or being tempted by the promise of a better paying job in a field he enjoyed more than just writing articles about town. He had to think about this and act responsibly. He was working for family.

ONE: Vanilla on My Handsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن