11: Muscle Memory is a Wonderful Thing

Start from the beginning

Frank walked into the cafe five minutes later absolutely shitting himself when he realized how casually he had dressed for work, his stonewash jeans ripped at the knees, his old converse and a simple black button up- definitely not the clothes to wear in front of a Congressman. A Congressman who was currently sitting at a table already. Fuck. He was sat inside, in his black suit again, a peach-colored shirt and an interesting red and peach-striped tie. He smiled at Frank when they locked eyes and Frank managed to stumble forward, sliding through tables until he reached Gerard.

"Frank. Have a seat." Gerard gestured to the chair across from him and Frank nodded, pulling the chair out before he sat down, pushing it in slightly.

"Hi." Frank cleared his throat.

"So, I read your article," Gerard smirked and Frank froze, feeling the color drain from his face and butterflies explode through his stomach and lower intestine.

"Y- Yeah?" Frank asked and Gerard nodded.

"I liked it. You write very well, boy." Gerard smiled as a waiter appeared, notepad and pen in hand.

"Hi, my name is Chad. I'll be your waiter. What can I get you two?"

"I will have a hazelnut latte." Gerard handed him the menu and looked at Frank expectantly.

"Oh no, I-"

"Frank..." Gerard's voice stern with warning, "I insist."

"But I-"

"You said it's your lunch break. You need to have something." He all but commanded and Frank felt himself submit yet again, trying not to whimper like a dog.

"I-" He frowned, "I'll have... Thame, I gueth." Frank cringed and looked down. Oh no. Not now, please.

"Tell me, Chad." Gerard steepled his fingers, obviously not noticing Frank's change in speech, "What cake have you got?"

"Oh?" Chad looked at the cake display, "We have double chocolate, red velvet, carrot cake, plain and strawberry cheesecake, lemon meringue, and coffee cake."

"I will have a slice of red velvet." Gerard looked at Frank, who knew he was defeated before he even opened his mouth.

"Oh, God." He sighed, craning his neck to look at the display, "I'll have... That chocolate cake lookth good."

"Two hazelnut lattes, a red velvet, and chocolate cake?" Chad asked and Gerard nodding, ushering him away as the latter took the menus and walked off.

Gerard smiled politely, "Where was I?"

"My arthicle." Frank lisped again before squeezing his eyes shut, a small smattering of color coating over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you... " Gerard frowned and Frank let out a groan, "You didn't lisp before." Frank sighed before he stuck out his tongue, showing off his new addition to his face jewelry. Gerard raised an eyebrow, "I didn't notice that before."

"It'th new." Frank groaned, "Dude, I'm thorry."

"Don't apologize, dear boy. The lisp is quite adorable. And your newest addition looks good on you."

"No..." Frank groaned, putting his hands over his face, "It happenth and then it dithappears, I can't control it."

"Isn't it annoying?" Gerard asked and Frank nodded.

"Yeah, it's really difficult to thwallow sometimes," Frank muttered and Gerard raised an eyebrow, a smirk on his lips.

"Oh, is it?"

"And to eat." Frank nodded, unaware of how his previous statement had come across with secondary meaning to the older man across from him, "I'm not allowed solid food so I'm stuck with liquids for now. My tongue hurts so much.." Frank looked at Gerard, who was staring at him with amusement and intrigue.

ONE: Vanilla on My HandsWhere stories live. Discover now