I bring a plate for her and me to the table after putting some ketchup for her. I sit next to Justin and Dani.

"Do you wanna eat with me peanut or are you okay there"

"M' otay daddy" she smiled at me picking up a fry dipping it in ketchup then eating it. I ruffled her hair

"Okay peanut" I turned back eating my fries.

"So you wanna go swimming after this"
Justin asks while looking back from Dani to me.

I look at Dani "Sure, you wanna go swimming baby"

"Mmhmm" she grins at me still eating her fries.

"Okay but we have to wait a bit so your food can go down okay"

"M'k 'addy" she had food in her mouth

"Baby don't talk with food in your mouth" she just nods her head since she still had fries in her mouth.

I left Dani with Justin for a little bit while I went to wash our dishes not wanting to leave a mess.

When I came back she lifted her arms out to me "Upsies daddy"

"I'm coming baby" I chuckled a bit at her behavior while picking her up setting her on my hip.

"I'm gonna go get ready to swim you guys should too" he said while getting up at pushing his chair in.

"Alright we'll be back in a bit" I looked at Dani as she put her hands in the air with a smile "yayy, we go swimminggg"

Me and Justin just laugh at her
"Well see you later M'lady" he said bowing again before leaving.

"Byeee" she says waving at him.

When we get back to the room I set her down on the bed as I go and get out our swim suits.

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I got out her swimsuit and a pair of shorts to wear till we get to the lake

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I got out her swimsuit and a pair of shorts to wear till we get to the lake.
I help her undress and take her diaper off. I get her swimsuit on and then help her button her shorts on.

Once shes all dress I go back and get my swim trunks.

I go to the bathroom to change leaving my shirt on till we get there

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I go to the bathroom to change leaving my shirt on till we get there.  I come out with like 4 towels in case we want to lay on them and so we have dry ones for when we get out the water.

"Huh!?" I quickly look at Dani to see what's wrong "what's wrong baby" I quickly rush over to see if shes hurt.

She points down at my shorts so I look down as well "You have bunnies on you shorts!" She says surprised. Oh if only she knew these were playboys haha.

"Yeah, I do have bunnies on my shorts. Good job peanut". She smiles at me happy with the praise.

"How old are you baby" I ask squatting down in front of her as she is sitting on the end of the bed. I want to see if I'm gonna need to bring the floats.

"I is 7!" She exclaims as she puts up up seven fingers. It's kinda odd since she only ever goes up to 5 but it's whatever.

"Okay baby, do you think your gonna need your floaties"

"No I is gonna be a big girl when we goes swim" she said with a big smile.

"Okay but if you wanna be little again you tell me okay" she just hums back to me smiling.

"Daddy can I get a piggyback ride please"

"Sure princess" I turned around and waited for her to get on.

We met Justin the living room. He had on his trunks with a grey t-shirt

"Hey you wanna put your stuff with mine" he offered holding his bag open to me

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"Hey you wanna put your stuff with mine" he offered holding his bag open to me.

"Yeah,thx" I set our towels in there along with a few water bottles from the fridge.

"Alright lets go" Justin said after he put his bag on his back.

"Yay" Dani threw her legs up as she exclaimed putting them back down as she was done.

"Wait do we have to go in the car or are we walking"

"It's just right there so we can walk" he said shrugging.

"Alrighty then. Lets go"

So we head out the door. Justin in front with Dani on my back.

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