Chapter 22

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I have had like 5 anxiety attacks because I can't find sam. I already called the cops, well, Elton did because he told me he would do it while I look for Sam some more. It's been a day... I feel like he is gone. Maybe he wasn't happy so he just ran away. I then start crying again. "Aww Colby. I'm so sorry that this happened. The cops are almost here.. when they get here I'll make sure that they do their job right," corey says and I nod. He hugs me while I cry. "D-do you think s-sam ran a-away," I asked him and he shook his head. "Sam would never do that." I nod and cry more.

Will I ever find sam?

We are on our way to the trap house. I'm so excited to see Colby! I have had a blast these last couple days but I wish colby could of been there. "Sam, we are going to go through the back door and hold up a sign that says team Sam," Tara says and I nod. We then go through the back door and Colby turns around. I could tell he has been crying. I feel really bad at this point. "Team Sam," I yelled and he ran up to me and hugged me really tight. "You little shit. I couldn't find you. I have been looking for you forever," Colby tells me and I frown. "I'm sorry, it wasn't my idea and I went to the water park. It was kinda fun." Colby laughed at the last part.

"I have been really all day. I have missed you," he says kissing me. "I have missed you too. I'm sorry," I said and he smiles. "As long as your okay there is nothing to be sorry for, besides  I'm going to get you back soon," Colby tells me. "How bout we are even and we get someone back together." He smiles and nods kissing me again. "I hate prank wars," Colby tells me and I giggle and nod.

Today was a kinda good day.

I'm starting a new fanfic soon.. I don't really know what to write in this fanfic book.

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