Chapter 14

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Today sam and I are going to prank Corey. The prank is that I cheated on Sam... (Thanks for commenting guyssss) of course sam knows because that prank is really harsh to do on Sam too. I set up the camera and now we are ready. "Sam go into the bathroom and come out after I say I cheated on Sam." He nods and kisses me before going in. "Corey come here," I yell and he comes running in.

"What's wrong," he asks. "Well I did something bad. I mean really bad." Corey sighs. "What is it?" I fake frown. "I c-cheated on Sam," I tell him and he punched me in the face making my nose bleed. "You are a dick. You know that?! This is going to crush his heart!" Sam then comes walking out of the bathroom.

"What is going to break my heart," Sam asks. Corey frowns and looks at me. "Sam.. Colby did something bad." I put my hand over Corey mouth and tell him to shut up. "What did you do colby," Sam asked. "He cheated on you," Corey blurted out. Sam then runs out of the room. "Sam come back in here," I yell. "I'm going to kill you," Corey says glaring at me. I could tell he was about to punch me again. "Corey Corey calm down it's just a prank look at the camera. Sam was in on it too." Corey sighs and smiles. "I'm sorry for hitting you." I laughed and said it was okay.

Sam came running into the room and jumped in my arms. "Team solby!!" I laughed and kissed his cheek. "Not for long," Corey said. "Well sam it's nap time." He frowns and nods. I put him in my bed and kissed his forehead. "Stay," Sam said when I was about to walk away. "I'm just going to get your blankie." He nods and when I come back we both fall asleep.

I feel like the next people that should work together to do a prank is Sam and Corey pranking Colby. What prank should it be? I'm thinking like Corey was supposed to watch Sam but he was to busy playing Xbox to notice that Sam was gone?

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