Chapter 18

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Part 3... last part of Sam being sick.

I woke up to sam crying. It was about 11am. "Baby, what hurts," I ask him and frown. "M-my head. I w-want it to be over,"he screamed and cried. "Let me get you some more medicine for your head. It will make you feel a lot better." Sam nods and hugs the pillow tight. I bring him some medicine and coffee. Usually I don't let sam have coffee because he gets really hyper. "Sammy I got you some coffee." He looks up at me and half smiled. I gave sam medicine and he feel right to sleep.

"Colby is Sam doing okay? I think he woke up the whole house," Corey whispered. "He is doing better. I think he woke up the whole house too," I tell him. "Once he feels better we should do a prank on someone." I smile and nod. "Who should we do it on," I ask him. "Maybe devyn or Elton maybe even Sam." I nod and tell him to go away because I want to try and sleep.

About 2 hours later sam started to feel a lot better. "Colby, are you mad at me because I got drunk,"Sam asks and frowned. "Of course I'm not mad at you baby. Katrina lied and got you drunk. You didn't do anything wrong." He nods and kisses me. "Ima prank uncle Elton," Sam says and giggles. "What is the prank," I ask. "I'm going to scare him." I nod and got the camera. I'm probably not going to post it on YouTube because it's a really simple prank but I will post it on my Instagram story. "Elton come quick something is wrong with circa," Sam yelled and grabbed a mask. He hid around the corner and Elton came running in the living room.

Sam then jumped out scary the living hell out of Elton. Sam giggled and I smiled. I'm so glad that Sam is happy. I hate seeing him sad. "Colby. Can I have that sweatshirt your wearing," Sam asked me. "You steal  all of my sweatshirts young one." He giggles. "I like your sweatshirts. They smell good." I smile and kissed his forehead. "You can have my sweatshirt I guess," I tell him and he smiles. "I love youuuu." I laugh and say "I love you too my sunshine."

Who should Corey and Colby prank? What prank should they do?

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