Your perfect person: how to pick em, how to be em

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If we're being honest, we all have a picture in our head of what the perfect person for us would be.

 Maybe they're tall, dark, handsome, rides a motorcycle, is broody to everyone else BUT has a soft spot for you OR maybe they're quiet, loves books, has curly hair, loves coffee shops as much as you do, and is a total sweetheart

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Maybe they're tall, dark, handsome, rides a motorcycle, is broody to everyone else BUT has a soft spot for you OR maybe they're quiet, loves books, has curly hair, loves coffee shops as much as you do, and is a total sweetheart. Any way we imagine them, we all have an idea of who we think we'd fall in love with.

Now, these ideas are absolutely healthy because they let you set standards for yourself, but the standards we should set are usually different than what we tend to focus on the most, (looks).

Do me a favor and close your eyes, imagine you and this person in a relationship. How in your head does this 'perfect person' treat you? Do they open the door for you? Share their food with you? Talk through arguments instead of fighting? Are they gentle with you?

Really think about it.

How do you expect your perfect person to treat you?

Now, if you're in a relationship currently or maybe talking to someone trying to get into one, watch how they treat you. Dissect their actions, their words. Does how they treat you line up with how the person in your mind treats you? Be brutally honest with yourself, rip off the rose colored glasses.

Nobody, and no relationship is perfect by no means, but the way they treat you should be pretty darn similar.

If you realize that the way they treat you is not even an acquaintance to the way the your "perfect person" treats you, you probably haven't found the right one.

Why would you let someone else treat you like trash when you could treat yourself like the gold you are.

You do not have to wait for your perfect person to come and treat you like you should be treated.

Learn to become your perfect person.

Start taking yourself out on dates, compliment yourself, treat yourself the same way you expect your "perfect person" should treat you. Then you won't accept anything less from anyone.

Learn to prefer being by yourself and only accepting the love you deserve than to be surrounded by people who constantly break you down.

The only person who can be your "perfect person" is: you

Only accept the love that you expect from your ideal person, from you and from everyone around you. Then, only treat other the way that person would treat you.

This is how we create our own happiness. This is how we learn to love ourselves and others.

This is how we become, fully our own.

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